Your New Friend

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Taking advantage of the fact you were outside and unsupervised by the crazy ice boy, the best decision was to explore the area around you. That way you'd become familiar with the area and gather food for later. With the icicle gone and your thirst quench. Your hands were now free to grab and collect items to your heart's content, with your only limit being the amount of resources you could find in this pine forest.

A way to keep yourself from becoming lost was by using a sharp stone to crave a simple symbol on tree bark, nothing too detailed, it was mostly little doodles only you would be able to understand.

"Not like I should worry though-" you muttered to yourself, pocketing the stone as you continued your trek. The only worst case scenario you have to worry about is Finn finding your weird carvings. But before he assumes it was for your long term plan to escape, you could easily just explain it was a way for you to avoid getting lost while collecting food. You should feel bad for keep lying to him, but you told yourself it was only partially a lie.

After some time has passed, you've only been able to find a minimal amount of edible mushrooms and berries in the perimeter you surrounded yourself, with a sigh, you went to one of the trees and carved a doodle of a mushroom with a cross on it- to remind yourself there wasn't any more mushrooms in the area. You pocketed your finding in your clothes while you used one hand to lean on the tree and the other to hold onto the sharp stone. The pine tree was clean from any excessive foliage or twigs, which helped viewing the marks more easily.

"There we go" you sigh at the results of your carvings.

However, when you removed the hand that was leaning your weight against the tree, your mind went quiet when you saw another carving on the tree trunk.

It wasn't yours.

The mark was sharp and precise, unlike the jagged one you craved with your stone. As if it was expertly made with a really sharp object, like claws or a knife.

Your blood went cold at the implication. Was there someone else in these woods besides you and Finn? Unsure if you wanted to find out, you choose to recollect your things and head back to the cave in a rush.


Night time fell upon the two of you and the quiet forest. Since Finn wanted to finish the castle as soon as possible, the ice prince kept building away as long as there was a moon out to illuminate his work. But tonight Finn took a moment from his castle building to keep you company, by either talking away or helping you out with ice related items.

"I finished a good 25% of the castle today my princess! I say it's good process since we arrived here four days ago. Our castle should be ready in a month or two if all goes well and dandy" Finn rambled as he prepared a few more icicles for you to melt in the afternoon.

You on the other hand were too preoccupied with the unknown carvings from earlier. If there really was someone else in this pine forest were they good? Would they help you escape from this icy maniac? Or were they indifferent and would ignore your distress? Or even worst. Were they bad? Would they harm you? These kinds of questions were starting to get to you, making you paranoid even, but they also made you curious. You needed to find out who's out here in the forest as well, it was the only way you'll get your answers.

Upon realizing that Finn's voice wasn't rambling your ear off, you turned to look at the boy.

His speech was slurred as his head tilts back and forth in exhaustion.

"Finn, are you okay?" you questioned him, starting to actually feel concern for the crazy boy. A part of you assumed it was because he was your only guaranteed safety if there was a more dangerous person out there.

I'm no Hero [Ice!Finn x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now