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It was not unlike me to wake up at ungodly hours of the morning.

It was rather unlike me to agree to go on a run with Dr. McCoy.

It was a Saturday, and there were no classes. It had been a month since my first day, and as much as I hated detention, I got a lot of work done. Might as well do something useful, right?

So instead of spending time slaving over the respiratory system of Gorns, I decided to torture myself with a five mile run.

" Bones- I gotta stop." I panted, flopping down ungracefully in the grass.

" Come on, Sparkle, I could run circles around you!" He taunted, barely breaking a sweat.

" Well I think that would be easy considering I'm not moving another inch." I said, enjoying the time I spent not running.

" I'll buy you and your friends drinks tonight if you finish this last mile with me." McCoy said, a smirk plastered on his face.

" All you can drink?"

" All you can drink." He agreed, offering a hand to help me off of the ground.

I took it, slightly reenergized by the thought of free drinks. " You're on, old man."

He laughed as we continued our run.



My'ya yelled into my ear beside me as she downed her seventh beer. I took one of the shots on the table, grimacing as the liquid burned my throat.

" I'm going to go get another drink!" I said to Mikael, who was distracted by the hunk of an engineering student wrapped around his arm. He waved me away, taking a sip from his fruity cocktail.

I made my way up to the bar next to McCoy, who looked worried.

" Are you ordering another drink? You kids are going to bankrupt me." He claimed, sipping on his water. Which was free.

" Relax, Bones. It's all on my tab. I wasn't actually going to make you buy our drinks." I said, waving the bartender over. " I'll take a whiskey, neat. And get this man a scotch."

" How did you know?" He asked, a relieved look on his face.

" It's my hidden talent, I can figure out anyone's drink." I explained.

" Really? What about that girl over there in the killer red dress?" He asked, pointing to a woman across the bar.

I looked her up and down. She was average height, and her auburn hair fell in soft waves around her face.

" Easy. Appletini."

Bones slid a couple of bucks towards the bartender as he brought us our drinks, " Get an Appletini for that woman over there, tell her it's from me." He said.

The bartender nodded, making the drink and giving it to the woman, pointing at Bones as he spoke woth her. The woman flashed a set of pearly whites and batted her eyelashes at him.

" Damn, kid, remind me to invite you out when I'm looking to pick up women." Bones said, clapping me on the shoulder. He ordered a couple of shots, and downed them quickly.

" I don't think I'll accept that invitation." I quipped, sipping my whiskey.

" Pointy!" Bones explained, expanding his arms to someone behind me. I turned, shocked to see Commander Spock even in a bar. " Bring it in!" He said, catching the Vulcan in a hug.

" Dr. McCoy. Please release me." Commander Spock said, his tone very displeased.

" And that's my que." I said, tipping my glass to McCoy. " See ya later, Doc."

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