Flower Crowns

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" So tell me exactly how you managed to piss off your Calculus Professor on the first day." My'ya said beside me, taking a shot of dark liquid.

We were currently out celebrating our first day of our last year at a nearby bar. My'ya had already drank too much, but stopping her was useless. I had switched to water long ago, and was keeping a careful watch over her.

" I accidentally bumped into him this morning, and he was rude to me before I could even apologize." I said.

" No, tell me about what you said in the classroom."

I sighed, setting my drink down to take one of her shots. " He practically humiliated me in front of the class by pointing out every mistake I had made in my work for the day. " I started, downing another one. The alcohol soothed my anger and calmed my nerves. " So I kindly told him to ' fuck off' and he promptly gave me demerit," I said, taking another shot, " for five months."

My'ya laughed, her short blonde hair falling into her eyes, " Oh man. You know, only troublemakers get demerits in Starfleet."

" He was being an ass! He made a girl run out crying just before because she forgot a pen. A pen." I justified, downing another shot.

" Listen, I'm not saying what you did wasn't justified, I'm just saying you're officially a troublemaker." She quipped, her bright green eyes swirling with mischief. " I heard he's hot though. Like, totally bangable."

I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the fact that we was, in fact, handsome. " Yeah, he's a completely fuckable hemo-goblin." I replied sarcastically.

My'ya snickered, " I bet. So tell me, are you going to detention?"

I glared at her, " Of course I am, in hopes that he drops it. If he wants to be an ass I'll just make his life a living hell."

My'ya nodded in agreement before batting her eyes at an Orion across the bar who had been ogling her all night.

" Go, and don't come back home tonight or else I'll make fun of you." I said, urging her towards the other woman.

My'ya drunkenly made her way over to the Orion who wasted no time flirting. I shook my head at the pair before heading out, deciding to walk instead of taking a cab.

The night was still warm, and there were groups along the sidewalks of students, some who drank to celebrate, others who drank to forget. I made my way home and welcomed my bed, annoyed after the long day.


I hated him.

I hated his perfect hair and infuriatingly perfect posture. I hated his smug look as he bullied students. I hated that he thought he could do it to me.

I was currently sitting in Commander Spock's office, glaring at him as he looked down at me. Even sitting he was taller than me. I hated that too.

" Your behavior is unacceptable, Cadet. You must learn to respect your commanding officers." He berated, his face void of emotion. Another thing I hated.

" Respect is not given it is earned."

" Do not deem yourself so righteous. That isn't how this works." He said sharply, his dark eyes boring into my green ones.

" Then tell me how I can respect someone who bullies those who can't fend for themselves out of respect." I said, quirking my eyebrow at him.

Commander Spock's eyes seemed to grow darker, " If you are insinuating-"

" That you're an ass? I'm more than just insinuating it, Sir." I mocked, a small smirk playing on my lips.

" Careful, Cadet. You are walking on a thin wire." He warned.

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