Drunk | Spider-Man

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Warning: Sexual Harassment.

You had four drinks, just four! Or was it six? Well, you had some drinks but that's it. You were fine! You could definitely find your way home alone.

Or so you thought. You were now out on the streets of New York unsure of where you were. These streets had become so familiar to you, yet you could not distinguish any street even if your life depended on it, now. Your mind was going in circles, you couldn't just focus on one thing.

You laughed to yourself. You said "I'm such an idiot," although, even to your own ears, it sounded like "ams en idio". You laughed at that as well.

The streets were dark and you were laughing that you didn't see nor hear a stranger approach you.

"Hey there pretty girl," the voice rang through your ears.

Drunk or not, it sent a chill down your spine. oh no. You turned to face the older guy. He had a creepy grin spread across his face. He had a suit covering his body and a rolex on his wrist.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing out so late?" He moved closer to you.

You stumbled backwards and tried to push him away, but your arms were too weak to actually do anything. Fuck. You realized your own stupidity now.

He wrapped on of his arms around your waist and pulled you against his body. He leaned and licked your neck.

"Stop," you pushed against his body but nothing was happening. You tried to move out of his grasp, but the alcohol made your body so weak.

You looked around but the street was empty. Not a single soul was in sight.

"Please," you whined. He was now sucking on your skin which made you cry. You felt so disgusting in that moment. You were drunk. This was your fault.

He only groaned and put his other hand on your butt.

"Please," you begged again, but this man was so entertained with your body. He groped ever inch of your body.

You were bawling your eyes out. "Please!" You yelled then.

"Shut the fuck up!" He pushed you. You were already so disoriented, so you stumbled on your own feet and fell on the ground.

The man picked you up and put you over his shoulder. You kicked against his body to no avail. He held onto your legs firmly.

You could see he was heading into an ally, but you never reached his destination. Somebody pushed him to the floor and grabbed you before you fell. They placed you gently against a wall before returning to the creepy man.

"What the fuck is your problem, man?" The old man yelled.

You recognized then who had stopped him.

Spider-Man stood and watched the man on the floor. He knelt in front of them man and punched him in the face. Blood spread through his nose quickly. Spider-man picked him up then slammed him against the ground.

"Don't you ever touch someone like that again. Got that? Ever!" His voice sounded like it belonged to someone much younger than you assumed he was.  Spider-Man used his webs to keep the man on the ground. He struggled against his webs, but he couldn't be released from them. "Mr. Stark, send cops over." He commanded to no one in particular. Yet, you knew that soon cops would show up.

The mention of Stark seemed to wake you up. Only months ago you were crying about his unfortunate death.

You blinked a couple times to make sure that everything you were seeing was happening. You tried to stand up, but you became instant dizzy. You stumbled and held the wall for help.

"Whoa! Here, I got you." Spider-Man grabbed your waist gently and helped you stand up. You did not feel uncomfortable with Spider-man holding you like you had with that man. Somehow, you felt safer than you've ever felt before. "I'm going to take you home. Is that okay with you?"

"Home? I can't go home," you slurred your words. Each of them coming out slower than you intended them to.

"I—" Spider-man stayed quiet for a second before nodding his head. "I have somewhere we can go. Are you afraid of heights?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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