I Am Him | Part Two

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I pulled away as soon as the words escaped his lips. I looked at him, a confused expression appeared along my features.

"Don't play around like that, Peter." I said in a serious tone. There's no way that he could be Spider-Man. There was no way that I could be in love with my father's killer.

"I'm so sorry," he began to cry heavily. He reached out for me, but I pulled away.

"You're lying, Peter. Please tell me you are lying." I muttered.

He didn't say a word. He just opened the nearest window and jumped.

"Peter!" I screamed. I ran towards the window, expecting to see Peter sprawled on the ground
15 feet below. I quickly caught my breath when I noticed his suit. He wasn't dead on the floor. He had swung up. He came back towards me slowly. His face was covered with that ugly red.

"I'm really sorry, (y/n). I never wanted you to hate me," his voice came out a little muffled. He removed the mask and took a step in my direction. I moved away from him.

"Get away from me," I whispered.

Peter shook his head. There were tears running down his face.

"No, please (y/n)." He muttered.

"Get AWAY FROM ME PETER! You're a liar! You killed my dad! You killed him!"

"He made me go for you, (y/n)! I tried to save him. Please believe me," he cried. I let tears fall down my own cheeks.

"I loved you, Peter. But now? You'll pay," I told him before pushing passed him and out of my own apartment.

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