chapter 19

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*Kenzies P.O.V* Hrvy:H Alexus:AL))
~Time skip~
We are all on tbe couch watching movies eveyone is cuddled up to there Roommate/Crush/Lane
Rye put his arm around me and I layed my head on his shoulder.Then there was a knock on the door

M:Got it
Mikey opened the door
M:Wait your back
H:I am
A: its been forever
H:Its been 4 days
R:So its still a long time
I looked up from the couch to the door there back
I ran up to the person and hugged them
KE:Its been so long
AL:I know i missed you
KI:We misses you
L:Where did you do
E:Why are you back so soon
JM:How are you back so soon
AL:I missed you guys and I wanted to come and say hi plus this is were my boyfriend lives.So im living with him now.

S:Your dating Alexus
H:Yes I am
AL:I wanted to come back but also weres Jackie
KE:She went home for a while
AL:Has anyone talked to her recently
KE:yeah yesterday

~Nother time skip~

*Third person*
Its the next day and alexus and Harvey went to there flat last night.There the firat official couple.Since all the girls gell asleep on the couch the boys had to bring them up stairs.

But poor Sonny hes lonely.Evryine normally hear Sonny and Jackie talking late at night but its been quiet.No talking no laughing just silence.

A/N:This is short but surprise GC its not me.Its Alexus ans Harvey I told you I was going to bring them into the story some how why not do it in a way that will make you guys get mad at me and make it a cliff hanger.-Jackie
11 more days to go Also I think my hotel room is haunyed because there are noises and somtimes foot steps in the roomm.But im going to sleep cause I have a headache so GN-Jackie
(Day 11)

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