chapter 9

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*Jacks P.O.V*

R:Who is paitent 16 wondering if it one of your friends
D8:It is not they are 14 and 15
R:okay thankyou
D8:No problem

~time skip~

Its night time now Rye and I haven't slept at all the rest are sleeping We are just waiting for the doctor to tell us we can see Jade and Kenzie.Im worried about them I cant losse them.

D2:Exucse me Mr.Beaumont and Mr.Duff
D1:you may see Jade and Kenzie now
JD:Thank you

We head to the ICU and I go  to Jades room.Rye goes to Kenzies room.
I walk in shes awake

I walk over to the side of her bed sit down in the chair next to the bed.

JM:When was the last tine you slept
JD:Since we got here this moring Rye and I were waiting for you Kenzie to wake up in the ICU
JM:Wait Kenzies in the ICU to
JD:Yes but the others are awake we are just waiting for Kenzie to wake up

I grab her hand and fall asleep

~The next morning~
Im going to check on Rye and Kenzie
I go into the room to see A very tired Rye and Kenzie still not awake.

I talked to the doctors they said they need Kenzie and Jade for a little bit longer but the others can go home in a couple of days.

JD:Hey Rye
JD:Hey just wanted to say Jades awake
R:Thats good now all we need it for Kenz to wake up.
JD:She will mate she will

*couple minutes later*
KE:Rye Jack
R:Kenzie yeah it us
KE:The others
JD:There okay your okay

R:Im sorry Kenz
KE:Why are you sorry
R:I said yes to you guys going to the mall if I hadnt of said yes this wouldn't of happened.

KE:Don't blame your self this could have happened at any time
R:Im just glad everyone's okay

JD:They said they need Jade and Kenzie for a little longer but in a couple days the others avn go home.
R:okay thankyou Jack
KE:Say hi to the others for me
JD:Will do Kenz

I go to room 275 and see everyone awake
B:Is everything okay.
JD:yeah Kenzie just woke up Rye looks dead he hasnt slept at all.Kenzie and Jade are awake there doing fine.I talked to the doctors they said they need Kenzie and Jade for a little bit longer but the others can go home in a couple of days.

A:Okay thankyou Jack
JD:No problem mate
I go back into Rye and Kenzies room to see Rye sleeping and Kenzie Sleeping.Then i go to Jades room and see her sleeping somi decided to sleep to.
JD:Gn Jade
JM:Gn Jack

A/N Well this happened.Its 3:40 AM and i srill havnt slept so yeah really great but i will be working on another story.I dont know when chapter 1 of that one will come out but yeah thats fun.Imma go to sleep now GN-Jackie

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