A inspired Oc

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Joanna Rose
Quirk: Cry Baby
How quirk works: As she cries it can effect other people around her feel what she feels. Her tears can effect on her opponents thoughts, Example; her opponent thinks twice if he/she wants to hurt her feelings even worse or quit and help Joanna out of her misery.

Joanna's Personality:

Big Five Personality Traits: Openness > high; Conscientiousness > low; Extraversion > high; Agreeableness > low; Neuroticism > high. (Myers-Briggs > ENTP-T).


Joanna is smart, creative, and unconventional. She is also laid-back, disorganised, and non-judgemental. Out of chaos comes genius, but due to her lack of organisation she often has trouble applying her energy and finishing projects. She tends towards radical left and progressive politics.

She is outgoing, assertive, and talkative. She can make friends easily and has friends from many different backgrounds, she is able to get along with almost anyone.

She likes being around people, but because she is disorganised and laid-back, she does not have good leadership skills.

She is dispassionate, blunt, and independent. She isn't a pushover and can't be taken advantage of, and her intelligence allows her to spot when people are being manipulative.

She can be morally ambiguous and will sometimes disrupt things simply for the sake of it. She is messy and will often leave it to others to clean up after her. She likes to be the centre of attention and gets her energy from being around others. She often finds herself in a dominant position because she won't compromise or do things for others without a reward.

She is emotional and anxious. Her imagination can work to amplify her fears, because she envisages all the ways in which things could go wrong. She is strongly affected by horror films. She seeks new experiences but what she finds can traumatise her.

Her tendency towards chaos can amplify her emotional fragility, because her inattention to detail can generate difficult and challenging situations, which she is then unable to handle, leading to frequent emotional outbursts.

Though she enjoys the company of others, because she is prone to negative emotions she can become needy without reassurance.

She can be self-centred, argumentative, and stubborn, though fear drives most of her instability.

Preferred Jobs:

Dictator, computer consultant, international spy, TV producer, philosopher, comedian, music performer, IT consultant, fighter pilot, politician, diplomat, entertainer, game designer, bar owner, freelance writer, creative director, strategist, news anchor, professional skateboarder, airline pilot, comic book artist, college professor, private detective, mechanical engineer, lecturer, ambassador, astronomer, research scientist, judge, web developer, scholar, FBI agent, CIA agent, electrical engineer, assassin.

Unlikely Jobs:

Personal assistant, wedding planner, travel agent, secretary, interior decorator, clerical employee, government employee, social worker, preschool teacher, copy editor, child care worker, hospitality worker, occupational therapist, home maker.

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