75| The Secret Birthday

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Madison's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sun beaming in. Shit, I must've accidentally fell asleep here.
I need to leave before anyone realizes the day either.

I quietly get up. I also pack my last things which wasn't much because I didn't bring much.

As I was slipping on my shoes I hear Hayes stir around. I quickly tie them and grab my phone and keys before leaving.

I drive home and unlock the door. I sigh and walk up to my bedroom.

"Oh Madison, I didn't know you'd be here." I hear someone's nervous voice. It's so familiar.

"I told you I was coming home. I wanted to last night but I was so tired I fell asleep there." I tell him. I wonder is Colby knows what today is.

"Oh, well I'll get going on to my old house with the guys." He smiles and walks back into his room.

I sigh and flop onto my bed. I realize that Hayes didn't know I was leaving just yet. I text him so he'd know.

Hey Hayes, I left when I woke up. I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up. I was going to last night but we fell asleep. Text and call whenever you'd like :)

I bury my head in my pillows, upset with myself. He's an amazing guy and so don't deserve him. He needs a girl that is good for him. I'm not too great for anyone at the moment.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Hayes' P.O.V.

I wake up to nothing. Just the bright sun in the room and nobody with me in here. Maybe she went downstairs or is taking a bath.

I get up and walk downstairs. I grab some cereal and a water. I eat my breakfast hoping I'd figure out where she is when I went back upstairs.

"Madison?" I tap on the bathroom door.

No answer

I go to my phone so I can text and ask. It looks like her phone is gone so she should answer.

Then I see it.

She left when she woke up to go home. She said she didn't want to wake up. She also tells me she was going to last nigh but I already knew that. She told me I could call or text her when I wanted.

I sigh. Dear god I feel bad for her. They all mistreated her and then acted sorry when she broke.

I hope they come around and see that they should've just stayed by her side.

Madison's P.O.V.

I wake up after my short nap and shower. Damn I love my house but I hate being alone. This place isn't made for just one person.

Oh well. I hurry out of my shower and look at my calendar.

Madison's 18th.

I sigh and cross it out. I don't really want anyone with me today. Most people like to have their friends with them on their birthday but I want to be alone.

I smile to myself and walk downstairs. I see that there are no groceries in my house so I grab my keys, slip on some shoes, and leave.

While at the store I grab some cupcakes, a cake, candles, and a lighter. I chuckle as I continue to pick things to randomly snack on.

"Hey aren't you Madison Barone?" This boy asks me. I nod and smile.

"Can I have a picture?" He asks kindly.

"Yeah sure." I smile and take the pictures with him. I even kissed his cheek in one.

"So what's your name?" I ask him. He smiles nervously.

"Austin." He gives a shy smile.

"Well Austin you look about 17. How old are you?" I ask him.

"I'm actually 18, I just turned 18 a couple of days ago." He smiles and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Cool. Don't tell but today is my birthday." I smile and wink.

"Oh well happy birthday." He smiles. His mom seems to be waving him away.

"Well your mom needs you. You should go to her. It was nice meeting you Austin." I smile and he walks away happily.

I love it when fans and supporters actually come up and talk to me. It shows that they actually want to and that they are very confident.

I check out and leave to go back home.

"Why didn't you say anything about it being your birthday?" I hear the voice of Hayes as I enter my house.

I jump and smile at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't think it was that important. I'm only 18." I giggle. He embraces me.

"Your important to me. Tell me everything always." He whispers in my ear.

"I know Hayes. I'm sorry. I should've told you." I smile and pull away from our hug.

"Well birthday girl, what would you like to do?" He asks holding his hand out for me to take.

"Wanna snack on this cake and cupcakes like it never happened?" I smirk. He smiles and kisses my cheek.

We take everything to the kitchen and put it up before digging in.

"How is living here without me by your side every day?" He smirks. I laugh.

"I actually missed home so it's pretty good." I smile and he frowns. I take a bite of my cupcake and he looks at me.

"You've got some frosting right," he moves closer. "Right there." He leans in and kisses me.

"Oops false alarm." He smirks. I slap his chest and he kisses me again.

"Hayes thank you for being here. It means the world. My own brother doesn't even care enough about me to at least text me." I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry love. I wish I could help." He rubs my sides as he pulls me into a hug. My arms tighten around his neck but not much.

"You can't. He needs to fix it. You're doing all you can so thank you. You being here is amazing for me. I don't have to spend my 17th alone." I smile into his shoulder. He picks me up and carries me to my room.

"Let's watch your favorite movies and eat your favorite snacks on your birthday." He smiles and kisses me.

"Thank you Hayes." I hold his hand.



1064 words

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