Weang and Wanking - 6

Start from the beginning

They both grinned.

"If not mango, what do you like?" Wei asked, bumping the other boy's shoulder.


That evening Xie felt different as they rode together. Wei asked questions that were already asked but this time Xie answered them truthfully. He wondered if he could do the same with his other friends.

Even if they stopped being friends, that's fine with Xie. He had Wei. He let out a sigh, releasing all the stress of the past few days and leaned on Wei, his head rested on Wei's shoulder.

Wei sighed at the contact and pedaled slowly, totally ignoring the diseased dick of his that decided to get hard.


"Why have I not heard of this place? This is like a different world!" Xie exclaimed looking around.

It was a Friday evening two weeks after their make up. The fight and make up had made their friendship stronger. It helped them to get closer and more carefree around each other.

At last they made the trip to the dam.

Wei grinned looking at Xie's wide eyed curiosity.

"That's because it's a secret hideout. Not even locals know. You get the best view of both the waterfalls and the dam. My cousin brought me here last year." He said proudly.

"I always thought dam would be boring. This is cool." Xie was enamored by the vista of blue, green and white before him. They were standing on a cliff, hidden between two big rocks, the roaring waterfalls and the squeals of birds were the only sound.

"We can come back for sunset, I want to eat now." Wei pulled Xie with him.

They walked a little to the right to a dense part of the trees.

"Is this safe?" Xie asked, because the place looked dark, with only little sunlight seeping in between the branches.

"Perfectly." Wei declared and spread the big towel Xie had brought. He took out the snacks they had bought at the main park area.

Sliced and spiced mango for Wei.

Salted pineapple slices for Xie.

Xie groaned as he sat down. "I can't feel my knees. God..." He stretched out with a sigh, cushioning his head in his palms.

"Hey... I'm the new driver here." Wei reminded him and mimicked his position.

They ate their snacks while watching the canopy of trees.

"Are you sure it's safe?" Xie asked again.

"It is. You know what? Close your eyes and imagine you're in your house, ready to sleep." Wei suggested.

"Why?" Xie asked, turning his head to look at his friend.

"Then you wouldn't know if something scary comes here." Wei said, winking.

Xie glared at him.

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