I was honestly surprised. Did Amelie Poole wanted to make friends at last? Then I saw him, running in the soccer field. He stopped for one moment...and I returned to reality. I saw that all the faces were looking at me. I saw Rebecca and Regina, dreadful twins, that were kind of creepy. They both had long, black-coal hair, doll faces, with the perfect nose and lips, and also they had brown sparkling eyes. They were the only good thing about them. The eyes. They were truly amazing. Mine are a boring hazel color. "Sorry miss. I didn't hear the question. Could you please repeat it?" I said, without blushing. My mom -the dead one- always said that I had temper, and that I was brave.

My classmates laughed, and my teacher smiled. "Of course, miss Walker. We were talking about the beatles. Give me please, at least three examples of beatles"

That one was an easy question. "The Beatles, a group. The beatles, an insect, and finally the beatles, a kind of jacket with long neck. I think"

"Poor examples but correct" Mrs. Yuseff said.

Amelie Poole turned to look at me after like ten minutes. I started feeling uncomfortable. The teacher had explained almost all the things that had 'beatles' with different examples. They were at least five hundred thousands. I felt Amelie staring, and I turned to look at her. "You know, staring at people isn't nice, Amelie Poole" I said coldly. She blushed furiosly. "Sorry" she apologized. "But I want to know if you know Niall Horan, somehow. He is always after you"

"He is annoying" I affirmed. The bell rang, and I jumped out of the chair and got out of the class before any one my classmates even got up.

I walked, daydreaming. I had my books and notebooks in my bag that I always go everywhere. Like I never am very preoccupied or giving attention, I just pushed someone without wanting fight. I just didn't saw him. He was scary. He had a long scar, in his cheek. All school was afraid of him. He had severe face, strong jaw and blond hair. "YOU PUSHED ME!" he yelled. Some teachers tried to stop him, but he just took my bag and threw it to the floor. I was trembling to death. I never wanted to get into trouble with giantastic Jon Rivers.

"I...I am...am...s...so...sorry" I stammered.

"YOU PUSHED ME" Jon Rivers screamed again. A small multitud was watching us. Some of Jon's mates, like Gregor, Karr and Hubert, walked to us. They hold my arms and weist while I was screaming, yelling, shouting, shrieking, squeaking. I finally got to crying.

Jon punched me once in the gut. His mates left me alone, and I fell to the ground. I felt someone touching my forehead, nose and calling my name before everything went black.


When I woke up my head hurted like hell. I groaned, without knowing what I was doing. Soon, someone was next to me. They spoke in fast Irish, and I felt too bad to do the effort of understanding of what they were talking about. I saw a tall man, in a white tunic, with gray pants. I was in a big white room, in a bed of white cover, a white table. "NO!" I shouted. I hated white. I had phobia of white color.

The two of them got fast to my side. "Megan. Megan. Megan Walker. Megan. Megan, answer please" I heard a voice asking me. I forced me to remember what happened before I went black. I was thinking of Amelie Poole, Niall Horan...and I accidentaly pushed Jon Rivers. Now I remembered it all. The fight and the boy that had saved her...and he and the guy that was next to her in the hospital room had the same voice.

"You saved me" I whispered. "What's your name?"

"Horan. Niall Horan. I know you're Megan"

"Nobody dares to...to...to go against Jon Rivers. You...you made an dangerous...enemie" I whispered. I saw Niall's unpreoccupied smile.

"She has not any force to speak. She's too tired. Let her sleep a littl bit more. When she wakes up I will call you, Mr. Horan. You can leave. Megan, try to sleep" he pleaded.

I said 'no' with my head. " I can't. This is so...uncolorful. White makes me sick" I confessed. "I know it's strange, and maybe you can call me a crazy, weird and strange twelve-years-old girl, but I think it's totally normal. I love the rainbow. I love red, blue, purple, pink, orange, yellow, and all the colours. But I cannot stand the black or white, or other absent colors. Please, let me leave. I'm okay, I don't have anything"

The doctor took his time. First he shook his head and I felt akward, disappointed. But then he smiled and nodded, and I smiled back. And then his face fell and shook his head. Then he repeated that operation several times, until he got nodding. I smiled, and got out of bed. I saw that I was wearing some white PJ's. The doctor told me to wait, and I did as I was told to. When he came back, he was with a pair of jeans that turned out to be skinny and blue. At least they weren´t white. He also had a shirt and a jumper. The shirt had a black cat with big cute eyes, and the jumper said You've Got It All. I asked the doctor to leave, and he did leave. I changed quickly, leaving my PJ's on the white bed. I thanked the doctor, and then, I walked down the corridor.

I went in front of a mirror and I saw my reflection. My long, brown, straight hair was tangled, and all knotted. I hoped, for one minute, to have a hair brush. I saw dark shades under my eyes, and thought about putting make-up when I get home. That was a weird one, because I'm only twelve. Twelve-years-old don't use make-up to cover shades...or they did? At least, I know that Katrina, my sister -daughter of my adopter parents- has make-up, but she won't let me use it, and my adopt-parents will never lend me their make-up.

The waiting room was empty, except for a certain blond Irish leprachaun. He was singing, and the girl at the counter was listening. When I walked up to him, he looked at me and stopped singing. I smiled, blushed, and finally, giggled. "You sing very well. You've got a great voice, it's a gift from the gods. And...also...I heard that there's a show called the X Factor. You could try it" I said, like if I knew him for a lifetime.

"Nwah, I'm not that good like the other singers. Most of them have trained their voice for their entire life..." he yawned "It's late. If you want, you could sleep at my place, like tomorrow's Saturday...if your parents don't mind" he added.

"I don't have parents" I blurted out. His face was shocked. 'Now, start bullying me. Kill me' I thought.

He hesitated before saying what he had to said. I'm honestly surprised by his answer. "Well...I'm sorry. I apologize, I didn't know...that's why they bully you at school, right?" he asked. I nodded. "Well, now they can't do anything to you. Because you're under my protection. Would Megan Walker be my best friend?" he asked, with the most cute puppy eyes ever seen.

I giggled. "The time must pass, first"

"The time must pass" Niall agreed.

Then we both walked under the moonlight to Niall's house.

 please vote and comment, and also fan please? And of course keep reading. Oh, and I love to talk and chat so if you have any doubt or you are bored, you could just talk to me! We could become friends...I love friends =)

HazzaBooNialler xxx

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