
Billy had really had enough, he had already stopped at Violet's house to see if Maxime was there and she wasn't and much to his surprise Violet also wasn't there leading him to think that she had possibly gone home with Steve Harrington and right now they were having hot heavy sex in his bed- this was a thought that set fireworks of anger off in Billy's head as he didn't want to imagine Violet doing that with anyone but himself. After Violets house being a zero success he decided to travel to Lucas Sinclair's house, which was only down the road but still wasn't worth his effort as he was told that the 'Wheeler house' was the designated hangout spot.

So here Billy was now ringing the doorbell of the Wheeler house hold in high hopes that Max was in there. But there was no answer and there was no answer for a good five minutes until a middle aged woman opened the door in nothing but her bath robe. The woman was clearly shocked by Billy's handsome appearance and Billy automatically turned on his charm to impress the older woman.
"Oh, hi" he said, his voice smooth and velvety
"Hi" she breathed out, still in shock at how handsome he was
"I, uh didn't realise Nancy had a sister" he charmed the woman who fell deep into his ocean blue eyes like most other females and began giggling like a teenage girl. The two flirted some more before she let him in giving him the address of the Byers.
"The driveway is pretty dark this time of night so drive slowly" she cooed trying to put a seductive voice on.
"Always" Billy smirked knowing the second he got in his car he would be flying down the roads at a unlawful speed.

Billy left the house hold giving Mrs. Wheeler a quick wink which left her knees wobbling. As soon as he got in his car the facade dropped and anger took over- yet another place to drive to on the mad search for his 'sister' but he couldn't help but get a funny feeling about this situation - like something was immensely wrong...


"It's not like it was before, it's grown a lot, I mean that's considering we can get down there with them dogs" Mike explained to the group and Violet was trying to listen in to the conversation because of how important it actually was but the mention of them deadly dogs had her mind spiralling into dangerous thoughts. All she could think about was the venomous claws digging into her skin and the immense pain she felt, even after the claws left her body and the demodog was batted away, thanks to Steve, her whole body was racked with pain and she couldn't even bare to walk. However now she was fine- stood up straight and her wound was throbbing yes, but not nearly as much as it did a few hours ago. It concerned Violet that this wound probably still should of been hurting and she still shouldn't of been able to stand up straight but she pushed it aside- she has bigger things to worry about. Maybe it was Steve's cleaning up and the care he took with it, or maybe some sort of adrenaline had kicked in and Violet had some sort of weird strength. Whatever it was Violet quickly stopped her thoughts from running loose and decided to listen in on the conversation again.

"If the brain dies the body dies" Mike tried to explain to the rest and wanted them to imply what he was saying but they didn't quite understand so Violet decided to just say it
"He means if we kill that thing... we kill Will"
"He is apart of the army" Lucas muttered to himself
"Violets right, closing the gate will kill him"
The group travelled to Will's room to look at the boy lead down in his bed. Violet tried to think of ways they could work around this, ways they could kill that thing without hurting Will. But she couldn't think of anything. Not a single thing. Violet loved Will with all her heart- she was like a sister to him and he was like another baby brother. She couldn't  loose him.
"He liked it cold" Joyce said weirdly
"What" Hopper quickly asked
"That's what Will kept on saying to me. He likes it cold. And we keep I'm giving it what he wants" Joyce explained
"If this is the virus and Wills the host"Nancy started
"Then we need to make the host uninhabitable" Jonathan finished Nancy's sentence- like it was natural for them to do so...
"So if he likes it cold we need to burn it out of him" Violet concluded bitterly- not really liking the thought of Will being burned.
"We have to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time" Mike said
"Yeah somewhere far away" Dustin added.

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