Chapter 6.

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I don't remember the last time I've slept or eaten anything. I've been too busy with my newest project.

It took me like three days to remember that the ink machine was the source of life, and took me another day to realize that it could probably bring everyone back. But apparently Bendy or Henry broke parts of it, so I had to try to fix that before I could do anything else.

It's been about two weeks since I started to try to fix the machine, and I think I'm making progress? I'm not sure, I was the musician, not the mechanic. Tom would've been useful if he wasn't such a big jerk that tried to kill me and then left. I'm still upset about that. But then again, why wouldn't I be?

"Alright. What does it look like so far?" I said to myself, and backed away from the glass pipe I was trying to fix. It was kind of an... organized mess of planks trying to connect the two parts back together. "...It looks like I'm an idiot that's never fixed anything like this in my life, so I'd say I'm doing okay." I snickered at my own stupidity, then stood still for a moment. "...I should probably hurry up with this thing. I miss everyone a lot." I paused, and rolled my eyes. "Well, maybe not everyone. I could get used to not being harrassed by Susie." I moved onto the next three pipes, slowly but surely fixing them one by one. "Ah, my efforts, no matter how stupid they look, they'll all be worth it in the end. All to see those people again. Gary, my best friend. Boris, the sweet summer child who didn't deserve what came to him. My lord, Bendy, the one I love. Norman, the... um..." At that moment, I realized that I don't believe he's ever willingly talked to anyone in this studio. Now that I think about it, can he even talk? "....the introvert? I don't know." I sighed out of loneliness, and began working twice as hard.

After about two more weeks of fixing the machine, it was finally finished. Feeling absolutely ecstatic, I clasped my hands together and squealed like a weird little girl. I booked it to the power switch, grabbed ahold of the lever...

And immediately passed out from over exhaustion.

Am I Not Good Enough? A Bendy x Sammy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now