Night night cuddle bug

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I wake to screaming and the clutter of doors and glass

I pull myself out of bed and clutch onto my blanket

I waddle down the steps

I wrap my whinnie the pooh blanket around myself breathing in the scent of fabric detergent and moms perfume

I push open the door to the lounge to see my dad hair messed up, tie loose, face tear stained and my mom, her hair in rollers, her makeup smudged, her face filled with hate

"Mommy, daddy what's happening ?" I whisper lightly

"(y/n) what are you doing you are supposed to be in bed !?" Mom shouts

"Hey sugar, come here" Dad scoops me into his arms

"Mommy angry with me ?" I mumble snuggling my head in his chest

"No mommy is angry with me, you (y/n) have done nothing wrong baby" he coos into my ear, stroking your (y/h/c)

"Back to bed now !" Mom shouts

"(Y/m/n) don't shout, hey it's okay kiddo, want daddy to tuck you into bed ?" He glares at mom

"Yes please" I smile clutching on to dad's tie

He places me onto my bed and kisses my forehead as he wraps me in my sheets

"Can I get my blanket" I ask cuddling into the sheets

"Here you go sugar, night (y/n) I love you, i want you to remember that, I always will" he smiles

"Okay, I love you too dad" I smile hugging him

"You are my favourite girly in the world" he smiles kissing my hair

"You are my favourite dad in the world" I giggle pulling the blanket close

"Night sugar " he wraps his arms around you as he looks into your (y/e/c) eyes, his filled with pain

"Night night cuddle bug" I hug him back, his big calloused hands rubbing my back

"Night night" I breathe in his warming scent of coffee and cologne

I roll onto my front and snuggle my face into my pillow and doze off into sleep as I hear him whisper

"Goodbye" he closes the door behind him

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