Chapter Seventeen

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No no no no this can't be happening. Why am I supposed to do. I can't be pregnant, there's no way. I begin to cry as I look up at the test in front of me, conforming my worst nightmare. We were too young to have kids and we, well I, knew it.

I decided that I would hide the test, not knowing when I would tell him. Maybe I'd wait until the baby was noticeable. No that would make him mad. Maybe I could just leave and he'd never no. Yea that's a good idea. I run ideas through my head as I hear the front door open, indicating that he's home. I quickly throw the trash away and hid the test on my side of the bathroom, knowing he's never think to look there.

"Mary I'm home"

I come running out the bathroom as I quickly kiss his lips.

"How are you feeling today, still sick?"

I nod my head, too afraid to say a word. He catches on as he looks up with me, his eyes full of worry.

"Mary what's wrong, and don't lie to me. I can sense something wrong"

I think about it before I sigh, knowing it's now or never and at least if he's able to find out when I did he won't be so mad. I close my eyes as I stand up, my nerves causing my body to shake slightly. I walk up to him and holds my hand out, hooping he'd reach up for it.

"What are you doing?"

"I need you to grab my hand and close your eyes. I have something to show you. Please don't be mad at me"

I open my eyes as I finally look up at him, slightly with a confused face. He looks at my hand then quickly at my eyes, doing it a few times before he decides to finally take a hold of my hand.

"I could never be mad at you, unless you killed someone. Then you're on your own" he laughs as I bite my lip, still shaking from my nerves.

"Close your eyes please, don't open them until I say so alright?"

He nods his head as he closes his eyes. I lead him to the bedroom and sat him down on the edge of the bed, knowing then at least if he passed out he'll be on a bed. I run to the bathroom and grab both of the test, wanting him to know that I was for sure pregnant and that there was nothing we could do know except raise them. Well I'd do it with or with out him if I had to. I place the test in front of him as I bite my lip harder, the nerves hitting me so hard I'm shaking.

"Ok on the count of three I want you to open your eyes alright. Not before not later."

He nods his head, indicating that he understands me. I sigh, and take a deep breath knowing this is the best time to let him know what's going on.

"Alright. One"

Before I get to three I silently start crying. I didn't want to be too loud or he'd open his eyes and I really didn't want it to be that early yet.

"Three" I barely get it out as I look up at him. His eyes already looking up at mine before he looks down at my hands to see two positive pregnancy tests.

"You're pregnant."

I nod my head yes as he looks up to me, making sure I'm not joking about this. He smiles as he pulls me into a hug, kissing my cheeks to my forehead. Slowly reaching to my lips.

"I can't believe we're going to be parents. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Well other then marry you of course"

I smile as I kiss his lips, happy that he's wanting to be a father. happy that everything is turning out for the better.

Three months later

I was still surprised with the fact that we were having a baby, still processing everything that was happening. We decided to wait to tell others until it came to a big event where Miguel would have to talk. This event happening today. And nervous wasn't the word I'd use for it. I was scared shitless. I didn't know how everyone would take it. Or how well they would treat me knowing I'd become their Luna.

"Mary are you ready?" His voice hidden of excitement


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