Was Yukari's own heart growing enough to fit Reimu in there?

"Hmm, this could be fun...I can think of a few ways to tease her just enough to get her feeling better. She seems like she's always in this constant mood of depression, unable to smile and such. We need to see that smile just a bit more..." This was Yukari's first little self-vow. Her motivation is slowly changing from 'having a happier opponent' to 'just wanting to see Reimu in a better place'. Seems Youkai aren't completely heartless like some humans in Gensokyo might think.

While Yukari contemplated ways to cheer up Reimu, Reimu was lost in her head, being as sad as usual and thinking negative things that made her just a tad bit sadder. That train of negative thought suddenly broke when Yukari sad down next to Reimu. Reimu jumped a bit and set her bowl off to the side, then looked down at her lap.

"You've been out here a while, Ray-moo. Something wrong?" Yukari asked while leaning a bit close to Reimu. The shrine maiden could almost feel Yukari's breathing.

"It's just...nothing..." She was going to say something, but would rather keep closed off. 

Yukari internally sighed. She was beginning to see that Reimu can turn cold and unresponsive at times. 

"Was I wrong to wake you up like that? You've been on edge ever since waking up." Perhaps that was the start? It was either that event, or just her relapsing into her negativity from the past.

"Oh no, I'm being confronted..." Reimu said, internally panicking. Talking about her own feelings is really difficult, since she was always taught to focus sole on the upkeep of the shrine. Not to bother with how she felt. Due to this treatment, she failed to ever learn how to properly handle her feelings.

"It's...It wasn't bad, you just startled me." Reimu stated, lying unintentionally as she did not truly understand if she felt good about it or not.

Yukari blinked, an expression of confusion on her face.

"Hmm. Is my presence upsetting you?" Yukari asked, testing this for a reaction as well.

Reimu shook her head slowly. "I enjoy having company..." The girl quietly said, her voice a bit weak.

The responses she was getting were cold and empty. It wasn't satisfying. So, like most times, Yukari acted on impulse. She wrapped her arm around Reimu's back and pulled her close, holding her gently and keeping Reimu pressed against Yukari's body.

"Relax. You're too tense. I came over to make you happy, not scare you." Yukari said gently, holding Reimu close like a mother would calm a child.

Reimu was internally freaking out, however. Being suddenly touched had her freeze up, not knowing what was going on. When told to relax and her intentions, Reimu did relax a tiny bit. However, she was still unsure what exactly was going on.

"...She's hugging me? Why? Is this how she is trying to calm me down...?" Reimu didn't have the bravery to admit to herself that it was working. The warm, soft body pressed against her, holding her in a protective grasp. 

She felt so safe.

Reimu's arms were by her own waist, but she slowly just melted into this soft grasp. Her body turned and her arms wrapped around Yukari's back, hugging her in return. Reimu also shut her eyes and leaned her head on Yukari as well. This was the first time in a while she ever let her guard down this much, but she couldn't help it. Her body had been screaming at her to hug back, to enjoy the softness.

To be happy.

Being so enveloped made Reimu happy, but was also overloading her emotions. Slowly, tears began to form in her eyes. From a mix of being so happy, and her body being so sad from how long it's taken her to actually receive love like this took its toll, and she couldn't hide it anymore.

Sniffling and crying into Yukari's dress, she pressed herself a bit deeper, trying to hard herself in the clothes of Yukari. Yukari herself didn't mind.

"You're finally being honest." Yukari thought to herself, smiling gently. "All this time, you've just been a neglected little child. That's perfectly fine. You bear a heavy burden, after-all." She thought as well, hugging Reimu closely, keeping her comfortable and safe.

Their first real emotional bond.

The realization of trust between Yukari and Reimu was set in both of their heads. Reimu's willingness to cry and Yukari's willingness to hug and comfort etched itself into both of their heads. It seems they both had begun to care for each other.

The morning was spent in a gentle hug. Both of them acting the most honest and straight-forward they could be. For the moment, at-least.

Their feelings are developing and blossoming slowly. 

How beautiful will this flower become?


A bit of a short one, but important in the narrative.

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