We have nothing more to discuss.

Get The Fuck Out.


Blue eyes fluttered awake as Mikoto gasped from the long deep sleep he was in.

But...who was that...The being that was calling him...?

It sounded like...A woman's voice...

Mikoto: (Seriously...Who was that?)

Deku: Y-You're Awake!

Mikoto: I-Izuku?!

Deku: I'm sorry!

Mikoto felts Izuku's arms around him as the green hair boy begin to cry.

Mikoto: Eh? What are you apologizing for, Izuku?!

Deku: I-It was my fault you got hurt! I'm sorry Miichan!

Mikoto: Izuku... It's not your fault. You're the one who told us we couldn't fight All Might...We didn't listen...but we had no other choice but to fight.

Deku: Yeah...True...I'm still sorry...

Mikoto: About...?

Deku: About Kacchan...


Deku: I...just wanted us to be friends...even if he did bullied me...I just...

Mikoto: Izuku...That guy is not your friend...

Deku: But...

Mikoto: No. Listen to me.

Deku's green eyes stared back into Mikoto's blue ones.

Mikoto: He hurt you. He hurt you for a long time, Izuku. He had rejected your every attempt to make things better. He twisted your dreams. He tried to crush them too.

Izuku: But...I just wanted to be friends...

Mikoto sighs but gave the shorter boy a reassuring smile.

Mikoto: I know...But he's not your friend. He never said sorry to you. He doesn't regret it...It's sick how such a twisted person like Bakugo can be like that when they hurt people, they don't apologise because they act like they have no reason to be sorry for. He doesn't deserve your kindness. This relationship between you guys isn't healthy...It's nothing but TOXIC.

Deku:....Yeah...You're right...

Bakugou was a kid who didnt know how to deal with his own frustration and ended up charging against Deku who just wanted to be his friend.

A/N: I get Bakugou's feeling anyway sometimes, I've also had people who I dont want to be near of me but they just don't get the message and stick around.

Back is Middle School, Bakugo was the natural talent while Izuku was the one who struggles. Bakugo has been already consistently top of the class, and gets mad whenever Deku improves.

His whole character is built on perserving his power and status. Bakugo wants to "be a hero" because it will prove that he is the most powerful, and he abused the crap out of Deku because it makes his superiority boner grow. It didn't help when those asshole teachers and students help fueled his ego.

His reason for hating Deku was because he offered to help him once. He viewed it as looking down on him.

Just how weak is that?

Mikoto: Besides. You don't need him. You have me, Uraraka-chan, Iida-kun, Tsuyu-chan, Shouto, and everyone else in Class 1-A and Class 1-C. We got your back.

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora