Chapter Six: Coincidence and Familiarity

Start from the beginning

“daddy..” the little child then whined.

He looked up.

“I have to go. I’ll be with ate Nilda, and besides, mommy is there. Be sure to follow, okay?”

Mommy is there.


Those are the only words that stuck in his mind. Then he subconsciously nod.


“Yes. Promise.” He assured.

As soon as his daughter got outside, he lazily stood up and walked directly to the kitchen to get some water. He sat down while drinking just then he noticed a note and a med lay on the table. He got it and read.

In case you need it.

He unconsciously knitted his brows trying to think who it came from, for what and for whom. He tried to think if it may be for ate Nilda or for Grace then shook his head left and right deciding that it's not for them, and that's leaves him. Well, he is the only one that needs it right now, so he took it and drunk.

Just then he remembered everything happened to him last night; when he got drunk, who is accompanying him, what stupid things he did and lastly how he got back to their balai since the last thing he can remember is he's 'talking' to Sarah at poolside.

Oh boy!


He looked back at the note when he realized how familiar the handwriting is. He skipped a beat once he remembered the penmanship of his Sarah. He smiled remembering how she teased him about how bad his penmanship is.

"Babe, how bad your handwriting can get?"  He heard his wife teased him.

"What?" He looked up to Sarah who's seated beside him rummaging their old stuffs including the only 'love letter' that he gave to her.

"Look" Sarah handed him the letter which basically shows only three words; I love you.

"What? It looks fine to me." He answered back while closing his laptop so to give his full attention to his wife's ministration.

"No it isn't."


He pouts.


"You want kiss?" She offered then winked at him.

"Of course!" He grinned beaming at her.

 Then he pouts more but then all he received are paper and pen. When he is about to asked, she stood up and started walking away.

"For every word you'll write well, I’ll kiss you." She told him with mischievous smile plastered on her face.

"Really?"He asked feeling the excitement of their play time.


She nods then continued walking.

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