Somewhere in Beacon Academy

Y/N: I'm s-Sorry I didn't m-mean to be mean.

Ruby: That's a name I would have given you.

Jaune: Well do you want me to call you, crater face?

I gave Jaune a glare and I could tell he saw it, he got really nervous and didn't even look at me.

Ruby: That was an accident! I'm sure there has been worst first days.

Y/N: No, I-I think that was the worst f-first day.

Ruby: You're not helping!

Jaune: Anyway, the names Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue ladies love it!

Ruby: Do they?

Y/N:She is a g-girl and she skeptical a-about that.

Jaune: *sarcastic* Thanks for helping.

It got really quiet all of a sudden.

Ruby: So... I got this weapon.

Jaune: Is that a scythe?

Ruby: It's also a high-impact sniper rifle.

Jaune: A what?

Y/N: It's a gun.

Jaune: That's pretty cool!

Ruby: Thanks I made it myself.

Y/N: Still a weapon geek sis-

I closed my mouth as fast as I could. How could I have been so stupid!

Ruby: Hang on, what were you going to say?

Y/N: Nothing! Anyway I got to go, bye!

I ran as fast as I could.

Ruby pov

How did he know I was a weapon geek for a long time? Only my family knows that and my friends that are not here.

Jaune: Ruby is something wrong?

Ruby: I don't know. I think Hawkeye isn't telling the whole truth about everything.

Y/N pov

That was close. How could I have been so stupid! Ruby probably knows who I am now, and if she knows she'll probably tell Yang, and then the whole family will know, and I really don't want them to know. I was walking to auditorium so I could listen to Ozpin's speech. When I got there I saw Yang.

Yang: Hey Hawkeye. Have you seen Ruby?

Y/N: Uh... y-yeah she is o-out side, talking to a k-kid named Jaune.

Yang: Alright, she's finally making new friends. I'm glad she has gotten over the incident.

Y/N: What inc-incident?

Yang: Oh sorry I forgot you were there. Our brother was killed nine years ago.

Y/N: I'm s-sorry.

Yang: Its Okay I just hope he is in a better place now.

Y/N: I'm sure h-he is.

After Ozpin's speech (in ballroom)

I was laying down to go to sleep when I heard Ruby and Yang talking. I didn't listen to them because I was to tired.

Ruby pov

I saw Hawkeye lay down, so I went to see if he was asleep, which thankfully he is.

Ruby: Hey Yang?

Yang: Yeah Ruby?

Ruby: Do you wonder if Hawkeye is telling the truth about who he is?

Yang: No. Why do you ask?

Ruby: He said something really weird.

Yang: What was it?

Ruby: He said, "Still a weapon geek sis-"

Yang: That does sound a little weird. How did he know you have always been a weapon geek?

Ruby: I don't know. That's the weird part.

Yang: What did he call you again?

Ruby: I don't know, he stopped before he finished.

Yang: I think we better keep an eye on him.

Ruby: Yeah.

I just couldn't stop thinking about what he said. To keep my mind off of that I walked around and saw that one girl from before that helped me with Weiss. I talked to her and found out her name was Blake. After that I decided to go to bed, but I keep wondering.

Ruby: Just what exactly are you hiding Hawkeye?


Hey guys, hope you are liking this book and if you have any suggestions please tell me. This is SoccerGKLuke signing off.

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