Chapter 9

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Tori's POV

*DING* the doorbell went

"Fuck yeah!!! PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" That was Paulie, running to the front door.

"About time! Took 'em all bloody night!" That was Solo, kinda grumpy because we had been waiting for two hours.

"I call dibs on the first slice! Pizza was my idea, remember?" That was Lenny, running after Paulie.

The other three headed to the door as well, grumbling about how late the pizza was and how hungry they were. I sat in my chair shaking my head. I swear these guys are all secretly another age.

Paulie was eight, with ten-year-old Lenny. Solo was 43, a father with more than a little style. John was your typical 12 year old, relishing in his farts and tweking whenever possible. Lukas was a bit of a 14 year-old geek, with all the animal facts and whatnot. In that case, he could probably also be classed as 88, another David Attenborough. Samson was 20, with smooth moves and trying to act like he was still a teenager. That was all the boys, actually. They tried to still appeal to younger markets by behaving like teenagers. Goofballs.

I headed off to the door to pay the pizza man but when I got there I herd a car drive off and the boys already had the pizza open on the kitchen bench and were getting plates out from my cupboards.

I frowned. "Who, my I ask, payed the pizza guy when I was not here and my wallet was outside with me the entire time?"

"I did."  Len piped up. 'Why? You're my guests, you're not allowed to pay for the pizza!" I said. I pulled a fifty dollar note out of my wallet and tucked it into Len's wallet sitting on the table.

'No!" he said, taking the note out again and shoving it inside my wallet purposefully. "It was my idea to get pizza. It wasn't even that much anyway!!"

I grabbed the note out again and this time shoved it into the pocket of his boardshorts. "You are my guests and I will not allow you to pay for the pizza that I ordered!" I argued.

"But you’ve provided us with so much food already, if anything we should be giving you money right now!" Len retorted dropped the note down my dress.

This had now turned into a full-blown argument between Len and I about who paid for the pizza, finding creative ways to give each other the money whilst the boys sat watching in front of us, eating the pizza that was beginning to go cold. Let's just say that at one point Len found a fifty-dollar note down his shorts and then it was shoved down my throat.

In the end Lukas reached out and snatched the note from my hand. "Here's an idea," he said. "How about I keep the note?" At that Paulie and John jumped on him and tried to prise the tightly-gripped note from Lukas'  fingers. Samson shrugged and picked up another slice of Hawaiian while Solo sat contentedly munching on a meat-lovers slice.

After about a minute of wrestling between the three guys, Len had had enough. "OI!" he shouted. "Did any of you stop to think that this note is actually Tori's?" he may be the youngest of the group but certainly seemed the most mature at the present moment. "Nah," I retorted. "It's Len's note! Shove it down his fucking throat like he did to me!" Len glared at me and I smiled sweetly. So much for mature.

At this point the wrestlers had stopped wresling and and begun to devour the last slices of pizza, the fifty left sitting alone on the bench, a little crumpled.

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