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~~past memory of Goku Black~~~

Zamasu watched you from afar. His beautiful goddess of mercy. Nothing in his eyes was more beautiful and perfect then you as he sat watching you read quietly in your eternal garden, your long beautiful hair done up in intricate Japanese style pins. Your kimono, a delicate light pink around the hems of your sleeve and near the bottom by your feet had a slightly darker shade of pink cherry blossoms, the rest was pure white like snow. An old fashioned tied sash giving anyone looking a teasing look of your well defined hips adorned your midsection. You were adored by fellow gods and mortals alike for being compassionate to anyone that crossed your path, something that was very rare for immortals; a trait that Zamasu found puzzling but interesting.

You were the only one who made him feel wanted and important. Other gods and kais looked down at him for being less and just an apprentice to Supreme Kai. But you, there was an unspoken attraction and he knew it was mutual by the delicate blush that would appear only for him as you two would spend time together.

Suddenly as quick as a flash you looked up at him, (e/c) shimmering with joy as you caught him staring from his perch in a nearby oak tree. His cheeks turning a dark red knowing full well you could hear his heart skip a beat as your attention was focused on him. Time stopped. Yearning ate at both.

"Zamasu. I've been waiting for you. Why not come over and sit by me to enjoy this scenery? " You chuckled, loving the way he got all flustered by you.

He quickly jumped down, landing squarely on his feet, dusted and fixed his clothes and walked up to you gracefully. His white mohawk catching the gentle breeze as he finally stood in front of you. "If milady wouldn't mind, may I ask you a question? " His silver eyes looking down at you gently.

"You may. " You smiled genuinely.

"Why do you like humans? " He asked bluntly.

You blinked a couple of times, but it wasn't too astonishing to you because after all the time together you knew Zamasu didn't understand emotions too well nor human importance. "Well, I like humans because of their unique personalities, way of thinking, and the ways they show love. They're fragile creatures, but in their lifetime they teach life lessons, and some of them have compassion that no immortal I've ever seen has shown multiple times over. "

He mulled your words over in his head. But it just wasn't clicking. You saw his internal delima and thought of an idea, "Why not ask supreme Kai to teach you? Nothing is better then self involvement. "

"If you wish it, I will. But I'll do it to understand you better. " He sat beside, took the book out of your hands and cupped your tiny delicate fingers. The love and adoration could be felt through the simple yet intimate touch. He loved it, it made him actually FEEL something. "I don't know what this feeling is, but I really like it. I only feel it around you. No other god nor kai makes me feel wanted or needed." His eyes down cast, looking a bit saddened, "Everyone else bullies me, or just simply ignores my existence. Like I'm insignificant... " He trailed off, feeling hurt just thinking about his past experiences.

Gently you grip his fingers slightly, making him catch your love filled eyes again, trying to emphasize your words, "To me, you'll always be special in my heart, and no one will ever take your place. No matter how long we live. It will be just as immortal as you and I. " You place both his hands on your chest where your heart was beating furiously from your feelings for the handsome green Kai, "Do you feel that, Zam? "

"Y-yes." He stuttered and blushed again, eyes glued to your hands.

"My heart belongs to you as long as it beats. " Your words filled him with so much happiness he smiled so warm and lovingly you thought you'd melt right off that bench.

Both caught in the moment he began leaning closer, his eyes slowly closing, your heart pounded harder in anticipation...

~~~~end flashback~~~

Goku Black's glazed expression sent you on edge as he flew through the sky at high velocity, seemingly lost in thought.

You were beyond tense, being held by a being that could wipe you out in whim wasn't exactly enjoyable. So many questions flooded your mind but the majors ones that stood out were the three most important; Why you? Why now? Bigger question yet; what now?

Your eyes peeled off his expressionless face and toward a brown wooden cabin on the mountain side, surrounded by tall red wood forests. A perfect secluded spot for anyone hiding away from the resistance's most strong warrior, Trunks. You sighed knowing full well this was not going to be fun....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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