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"What did you think you were doing?" Jacob hissed into his phone. Troye was asleep, just fallen, and Jacob had quickly slipped into the hall to call Nick Grimshaw about his little stunt that freaked Troye out. He had YouTubed the show and found it. There were also many google articles bashing Troye and shunning Jacob. The Dom could not believe that Nick had the balls to talk against him in such a way.

"I was simply telling everyone the truth, your little sub has no place being a parent," was Grimshaw's response. Jacob pulled his phone from his ear for a moment, holding it down by his hip while he took a few deep calming breaths. He didn't need to cause a scene over a phone call, he didn't need the hospital kicking him out. "Listen you little snake. Fuck with my family and I will ruin you. Don't think I won't give your little Dom a call, I know him very well,"

Jacob stopped to listen for Nick's reply. There wasn't one for a long moment. "Already got my ass beat over it. I think I'm fine. Just make sure Troye is ready for the Child Protective Services to come tomorrow," Nick hung up then, the click loud in Jacob's ringing ear. Jacob dialed Luke's number, fingers feeling numb, and waited for the Dom to respond. It was late, almost midnight, but Jacob was sure the other man was awake, if not him then Tommy. "Jacob?" Luke answered, voice thick with sleep.

"He called the CPS," Jacob said as he slid down the wall he had been leaning on. He had never felt so small before. A single man was trying to ruin his family's life and all he could do was sit down and take it all in. "Who called the CPS?" Luke asked, sounding more awake. The CPS was a big thing, they didn't take being called very lightly and they would drill Troye like no other. "Nick," Jacob spoke softly. The door to the room Troye was sleeping in was cracked so Jacob would hear the sub talk if he should do so, but the Dom didn't want to wake the tiny sub up with his own loud talking. "Fucking shit bro. You good? I can come out there if you- it's okay love. Go back to sleep," Luke spoke to Tommy and Jacob smiled. It was nice that the blonde finally had someone to take care of him the way that he deserved to be treated.

"No, don't come out until tomorrow. Grimshaw said they'd be here tomorrow," Jacob said, turning his head to peek into the room where Troye slept. Seeing no movement the Dom turned to stare at the floor. "Um, the nurse said that Troye can be discharged once he can stand and walk on his own," Jacob told the Dom. "Sounds about right. Are you guys going to end up coming home?" Jacob was silent for a moment, looking up and down the quiet hallway. "I don't know. I know Troye doesn't want to be away from the twins. Hell, I don't either but we can't very well take up a room when another mother with a sicker baby than our babies could use it," he explained.

"Are the twins doing okay?" Luke asked and Tommy's soft voice could be heard, mumbling about the babies' safety. "Yeah, they're fine. Shaun visited today, so that was a pick up for Troye, too. The nurse said Blaine might be able to be off his ventilator tomorrow. They'll see how he does," Jacob sighed, lifting his free hand to wipe at his dry face. This hospital was sucking all the life out of him. "I just want to take them home and raise them," Jacob added. "I-Well, we were going to come back to see you guys today, but something came up. I have something to tell you," Luke said after a long pause. Jacob scrunched his eyebrows, setting his free arm on his knees. "Well then tell me," Jacob said, peeking into the room again, making sure Troye was still asleep. His tiny frame was curled up, facing the door.

"Tommy's pregnant," Luke said quickly. There was a squeak of surprise and Jacob was sure it was from Tommy. "Oh? How far along?" Jacob asked. He had known that Luke took Tommy off the shot that prevented him from getting pregnant but Jacob didn't know the blonde sub would get pregnant so fast. "Oh, ten weeks. It's a single baby," Luke said and Jacob smiled. There was going to be another baby on the way, babies were just something that Jacob now liked the idea of. "That's great, Luke, how has Tommy taken it?" He asked. "Oh great. He's so happy. He hasn't had morning sickness so that's why it took so long to figure it out. He did throw up at the smell of my cologne so that was indication number one,"

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