Or at least he thought he had. And he thought that he had known what it felt like to be loved that much right back, but just by watching how well Jacob took care of Troye, and how good Troye was for Jacob, he discovered that maybe he'd had the wrong idea of what love was the whole time.

Today Troye had been very horny for some reason so after making him use a vibrator in a chair next to Jacob for nearly an hour with a simple cock ring keeping the younger boy from orgasm, and then after draping Troye over his oak desk and fucking him hard and fast, the boy was a little spacey. The best option for aftercare would be taking Troye and giving him a bath or cuddling him on the couch, but he also needed to be fed, so Jacob decided he'd take the boy downstairs for lunch to bring him back. With the help of a lot of affectionate kisses, a blanket, and some tea, Troye was slowly but surely coming back down.

"What was that paper Tommy had?" Troye suddenly asked while he and Jacob were lying down on the couch, snuggled with each other. Troye was practically under the Dom, cold for some odd reason. Jacob was silent for a moment, then hummed, "Nothing. Just something that came into the mail," he said and Troye nodded, pushing his face further into Jacob's chest. "We're going to become one if you keep this up," Jacob told the sub and Troye giggled, peeking up at him.

"You're warm," he explained. "I guess I could get a blanket..." "I don't mind," Jacob said quickly. "No need to get up." He rather liked having Troye so close, possibly just as much as Troye liked being close. He never considered himself much of a cuddler, but Troye was perfect for cuddling, and the Dom couldn't resist. His words seemed to please the younger boy, and Troye nuzzled his nose against Jacob. "Okay, Sir." Rather than watching a movie like Tommy had suggested, Tommy had headed upstairs after lunch. The poor blonde had seemed a bit saddened by Jacob and Troye's relationship, and Jacob did feel bad for the boy. Yet, Tommy was better off without Brandon, the Dom had only been cruel to him. Tommy was incredibly sweet, much like Troye, and Jacob was unable to wrap his head around why someone would want to purposely hurt a person like Tommy.

His eyes fell onto the boy tucked happily against his chest, and his heart clenched at the thought of hurting Troye, in a way that Troye didn't want of course, even accidentally. "Such a good boy," Jacob murmured. "You're very sleepy, aren't you pet?" "Yes sir," Troye nodded. "I can stay awake if you want, though? What do you have planned for today?" "Not anything you need to worry about. You just sleep, we can cuddle a little while longer," Jacob assured. However, the doorbell rang, and Jacob sighed in unamusement.

"After I get that." He pried Troye off of him gently, rolling from the couch and crossing the living room to answer the door. Dark hair and a quiff nearly made him punch the person on the doorstep, but upon a second glance, he realized that it was Nick Grimshaw rather than Brandon. "Jacob!" Nick declared, and Jacob's eyes narrowed as he looked out past Nick. Generally Nick had cameras with him, but this time the man seemed to be alone. "Nick..." Jacob replied. "You didn't call." "I just wanted to drop by and check up on you all! I heard the terrible, terrible news. Who would have thought that Flynn had it in him to actually r-" "Stop," Jacob said immediately, glancing behind him to see that Troye had sat up anxiously on the couch. "How is he?" Nick continued, and the sub brushed right past a surprised Jacob to enter the house. Jacob briefly wondered what sort of Dom Nick had. "Nick," Jacob said disapprovingly, striding after him to catch his arm. Troye had curled up small on the couch, staring at Nick with wide eyes. "Now really isn't a good time." It would be good for Troye to adjust to being around people again, but Nick Grimshaw was not the best person. He was loud, pushy, and highly obnoxious. Jacob didn't want him anywhere Troye, and yet the man was holding his hand out to the cowering boy. "How are you doing, Troye?" Nick asked sympathetically.

"You must be so traumatized after something like that." "I'm sure your Dom will be wanting you home if you're off work," Jacob tried to hint, tugging on Nick's arm. The man was nearly taller than Jacob, and Jacob was unable to use his height to his advantage. The tugging did get Nick's attention, but the sub simply turned around with a flirtatious smile and swatted at Jacob's chest, "So strong, Jacob. I like that in a person. It's the sub in me, I simply melt around men like you. Firm, handsome-" Out of the corner of Jacob's eye, Jacob saw Troye stand to his feet. For a moment he thought the boy was going to flee the room, but instead Troye marched forward with his brow furrowed and his tiny hands clenched into fists.

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