Troye's entire form could fit on Jacob's lap, with Troye's body turned sideways so he could lean against Jacob's chest and tuck his head into Jacob's neck, so Jacob could wrap his arms around Troye's small body. "If all of this nonsense really has died down then I'm sure you and I can take more trips out of the house once more. I'm sure your father would appreciate a visit from you, hmm?" A surge of desperation washed over Troye, because he had not seen or spoken to his father since he had moved in with Jacob. He knew his father would be on a trip currently, so he hoped that the caning incident hadn't gotten around to him.

Especially if his father thought that Jacob had done it. But Troye nodded anyway, sitting up a bit to meet Jacob's eyes, "Really? We can go see my dad?" "You're always such a good boy," Jacob agreed. "And I know that you and your father were close. Perhaps, though, we could arrange a time when your mother would not be present? As you know I'm not fond of her." "Please sir," Troye kissed Jacob's jaw. "I do want to see him, I really do."

"Then we'll go the moment all of this has died down." "Thank you!" Troye nuzzled back into Jacob happily. "I love you so much." "I love you, too," Jacob murmured. "While we wait for lunch however... I'm assuming you want to watch a movie after lunch? So why don't you work on your homework until that time? Good boys get good grades." "I have a five A's and a B so far sir," Troye slowly wiggled from Jacob's lap to do as he was told. "Let's try to get the last B to an A, yes? I want the best for you."

Troye rushed to get his homework, English, to please Jacob. Jacob read on the couch while Troye sat pressed to his side and wrote an essay about the history of the BDSM lifestyle. He had never gotten to finish his paper about his and Jacob's relationship so far, but he almost didn't want to. Their relationship was certainly still growing, had even grown in the time span since he'd first started writing the paper. There was one thing that had remained stable, however. Jacob was still undoubtedly the best thing that had ever happened to Troye.

He glanced at the Dom sitting next to him, his hazel eyes trained on the book he had grasped in his large and slender hands. Jacob wore a long sleeved t-shirt that clung to him nicely, made him seem even stronger, warmer, and safe. Troye nonchalantly nuzzled closer a tiny bit more. "If you scoot any closer they'll have to bring the Jaws of Life to pry us apart," Jacob remarked. "You're making my arm fall asleep, pet, I can't turn the page." "Oh!" Troye exclaimed, wiggling over a little. He made sure their thighs still touched, he liked to be touching Jacob, but he was no longer leaning on Jacob's arm.

He was momentarily fearful that Jacob was irritated with him, but Jacob had a slight smile on his face, the one he always wore when Troye was telling him some sort of story and Troye was sure that the Dom wasn't paying attention only for Jacob to question him about something to make him go further into detail. Jacob was stern, there was no doubt about that, but he had certainly grown a soft spot for Troye. Troye never wanted to leave Jacob's side. At that moment there was an urgent knocking on the door, and Troye's eyes fearfully flitted to the staircase.

He didn't want Brandon coming to answer the door, so he jumped up to grab it himself since Jacob seemed fairly entranced in his reading. The sub unlocked the door, opening it in the slightest. Almost instantly the door was shoved open wider, making Troye stumble back. Jacob was certainly paying attention then. "What the fuck, you nearly knocked him-" the Dom was beginning to snarl as he stood, but then Troye finally focused on their slightly violent guests. Four men all in uniform, one clutching a piece of paper and another holding handcuffs. "We're here with a warrant for the arrest of Jacob Bixenman," the one with the paper declared, and Troye's heart felt as if it were going to burst from his chest in terror. "What?!" he shrieked.

"Arrest?! No, he hasn't done anything wrong, he-" "He's being taken in for questioning over the beating of Troye Mellet." Jacob was standing with narrowed eyes, but he thrust out a hand, "Let me see the warrant." Troye shook his head, trying to block the pathway of the police officers, "I am Troye Mellet! Look at me, I'm fine, Jacob didn't beat me it wasn't him, honestly! It was Brandon Flynn he-" "Move out of the way, sir," a man growled, clearly a Dom. Troye felt Jacob gently brushing him out of the way then so he could look at the paper the man clutched, and he shook his head with a scowl, "I can't believe you actually got this." "You can't take him!" Troye declared. "He won't go with you." "If you don't settle down, son, we'll be forced to relocate you elsewhere. Mr. Bixenman is being taken in for questioning. If there is no solid proof to hold him he will be released. If there are further beliefs that he is guilty he will be tried in court and most likely stripped of his Dom status. His sub will be retested and placed with another Dom." And then Troye was bursting into tears, "He's innocent, please, you have to believe me! He wouldn't hurt me we love each other please don't take him or make me go with someone else. I don't want another Dom, I want the one I have! I need him!"

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