"Really?" He asked, excited. He bounded up from the couch, ignoring the itch of his stretched healing skin. "Yes really. Go get dressed in nicer clothes. Warm of course, we'll be going outside. I'll be in the living room, waiting. Please don't take too long," Jacob told him, moving past him to walk out of the office and disappear from sight. Troye squeaked in happiness, clapping his hands together. He was going to get a plug! And maybe a collar! Realizing that he'd been standing in the office a bit too long Troye dashed out and buried himself in his closet, looking for something nice to wear out with Jacob. There was sure to be a lot of paps camped outside of their home so Troye wanted to show them that he was alright and Jacob hadn't done anything to hurt him.

Putting on a pair of black pants and a white v-neck shirt Troye was having troubles finding the right pair of shoes. He scanned the tiny shoe racks, looking over the many colours and styles. He finally picked out a pair of black Vans, hoping Jacob didn't mind. He ran his fingers along the length of his throat, looking at himself in the mirror hanging on the closet door. He was almost gagging for a collar, the itch of needing.

"Troye!" Jacob called, looking at his watch. The boy had been getting dressed for 15 minutes now, longer than needed. The tiny boy was dashing to the railing, looking down at Jacob a moment later. "I'm sorry!" Jacob didn't say anything to the apology just held his hand out for Troye's to take as the boy stepped down the staircase. "You look nice," he commented and Troye flushed a faint pink. "There's a Sub shop not too far from here. Walking distance but we'll drive. Paps are probably pretty bad out in front of the gate." Jacob said. He looked down at Troye who was looking at the front door with a look of determination. "We can do this," he said and looked up at Jacob.

The man smiled, and reached to open the doors and screams started. Flashing lights blinded the men and Troye kept his head down but squeezed Jacob's hand tightly. The fought their way to Jacob's car but let both let out a sigh of relief when the doors were closed and locked. The windows were tinted so the paps couldn't get any good pictures from outside and it was sound proof so their screams were only muffles. Jacob didn't care to look for anyone behind his car, just started to pull out. The paps moved to the side, snapping pictures and screaming questions at the car until it was gone. A few got into their own to follow the two. "You're okay?" Jacob asked, looking Troye over before looking back at the road. "I'm fine. Thank you," Troye watched out the window at all the passing people. This was the first time he's been outside in a long time. The sun was shining, few clouds in the sky. He couldn't feel it but there was a light breeze, not too hot nor too cold. They were silent until Jacob parked his car in front of a large black sleek modern building.

The Sub Shop was in large swirly letters, painted in white. The windows were tinted and a large sign hung on the door: NO FUCKING PAPS Troye liked the place already. He got out of the car when Jacob did, meeting him in the front. Jacob took his hand again, liking to be able to feel Troye safe. Even if it was just from a soft hand grip, one that allowed Jacob to pull the boy close at anytime. The inside was air conditioned and very... mature. There were naked, mostly naked, and half naked subs standing with their Doms as the men and women talked amongst one another. A few subs were playing around with cards and some were looking at toys they wanted their Doms to buy. "Jacob Bixenman. Is that you?" A petite woman gushed, walking up to the Dom and Sub. She was wearing a pair of leather pants and a red halter top. Her heals could kill someone if she so desired to stab them with the 6 inches.

"Dua, hello," Jacob greeted, air kissing her cheeks. She turned to give Troye a deep once over. "This is your little sub? He's absolutely gorgeous," she said, bending at the knees to be more eye leveled with him. She took one of his hands and turned him in a circle, looking him up and down. "Nice ass. Dammit I wish I had that," she said, reaching to pat Troye's bum. "Softly Dua, there was an incident and my poor boy might still be a bit hurt. But yes, I'm a very lucky Dom," Jacob told her, looking down at Troye with a large smile. The sub blushed, sending his gaze to the floor. "What were you looking for today?" Dua asked, looking between the two. Jacob nudged Troye with his elbow and the tiny boy looked up at him, his lips parted in question. "What did you want to buy?" He asked him and Troye flushed looking at Dua with wide eyes. "I-uh-" He looked at Jacob again, the dom nodded for him to continue "-I wanted a plug. For-uh, my ass." He told her quickly, looking away from her and to the floor again.

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