"When are you going to fuck him?" Brandon asked and Troye almost choked on his egg. Jacob watched his pet recover before sending an icy glare at Brandon. "Whenever I feel like it," he said, cutting off the conversation before it could go any further. Brandon looked from Jacob to Troye. "When are you going to suck Jacob's cock like a good boy?" He asked and Tommy's eyes went wide when Jacob stood up from the table, his chair screeching back. Troye pushed his chair back a little too, ready to leave if Jacob was.

"What's the matter Jacob? Embarrassed your pet hasn't sucked your cock yet? Bet he's a master at it, looks like a whore," Brandon finished and Jacob snatched Troye up from his seat, leaving the room as quickly as he could. Jacob didn't stop walking until they were inside their room, tossing Troye carelessly onto the bed. Troye was almost scared that Jacob was going to act upon Brandon's words but when the Dom walked into his closet the sub let out a breath of air. "We're going out to eat. Get your shoes," he said then shook his head, rubbing at his temples.

"No, go to my office. We'll order in something. I don't care," he said and Troye stood up from the bed. Jacob was stressed out and Troye needed to calm him down before something bad happened. "Okay, sir... do you," Troye swallowed hard. "Do you want me to... um... Brandon said-" "No," Jacob said in disbelief. "No I do not want that just because Brandon said. We'll do stuff when I'm ready and when you're ready and Brandon doesn't have a say in anything. Now go to my office." Troye felt the desire to burst into tears, not liking his Dom so angry.

He fled the room and headed down their side of the hall for Jacob's office. He sat on the leather couch Jacob had placed near the window, and he had to tuck his hands beneath his knees to stop the trembling. He glanced at his arm where Jacob had gripped him to drag him from the room, finding a bruise growing there. Jacob came storming in a few minutes, slamming the door behind him. The sub cringed backwards against the couch, but Jacob paid no mind to the boy until he had stalked across the room and sat down at his desk. Rubbing at his temples with closed eyes, he breathed out deeply before he looked at Troye, "I ordered us some breakfast food. Probably pancakes or some form of fry-up, I honestly don't care. I'm not hungry but you need to eat."

"Yes, sir," Troye whispered. "I'm sorry sir." Jacob ignored him, opening his laptop, "Now quiet down, I need to get to work." Troye curled up into a small ball on Jacob's couch. He had planned on doing homework, but his things were in his closet, and he didn't dare ask permission to leave the room. He had his hands tucked between his knees still to stop the trembling. Troye stayed completely quiet for Jacob, even when Jacob was done skype calling and was quiet himself. Troye figured someone had sent their food delivery man up the steps, because he came to Jacob's office door. Jacob didn't move to open the door, so Troye did. The man didn't ask for money, so Troye figured Jacob had paid with his card over the phone.

He accepted the bag with his still shaky hands, and accepted two coffees as well. He figured Jacob did want one of those. With the bag on his wrist he carried Jacob his coffee, carefully sitting it down on a coaster a few inches away from Jacob's arm. Jacob caught him by the shirt then. "You're shaking." "Uh... yeah," Troye whispered. "I don't know." Jacob blew all his air out slowly before he responded,, "I'm sorry for overreacting." Troye shook his head, "It's... it's fine, sir, you didn't." The sub went back to the couch with his food and coffee, but he wasn't very hungry. He picked at the toast, sausage, and pancakes, eating just enough of all the food to satisfy his Dom, and then tossed the trash away and curled back up on the couch. It felt a little lonely sitting in the quiet office despite Jacob being only a few feet away, but Troye would take it over being out of the office around Brandon. Especially if he was around Brandon without Jacob. Troye would probably even accept the isolation room if it meant getting away from Brandon.

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