Troye felt a tad bit of relief since Jacob was claiming the blame for the drinking Troye had done, but he also felt bad that his dom felt like he had to do that. He quickly responded.

To: Jacob Bixenman From: Troye Mellet
Subject: Moving (RE:) Yes sir, I'm feeling okay now, thank you. I would like to apologise for my behavior last night, it wasn't by any means okay for me to act like that or get drunk for that matter. I am eager to be moving into your home and I appreciate you coming to help. I'll be packed and ready. Will you approve the things I have here and tell me what I can and can't bring, though? I'm sure I can manage, I just want your approval so that I don't have anything you won't like. I'll be seeing you tomorrow then, I suppose. Until then. Troye Mellet (Sub)

Troye glances around his room at all the things he has yet to pack. He didn't want to bring to much to Jacob's. There would be no point if everything was provided for him like he sure it was. He only waited 5 minutes before his email pinged letting him know he got another message from Jacob.

To: Troye Mellet From: Jacob Bixenman
Subject: Moving (RE:)(RE:) Actually, if you need my approval on things I could come over there and look at what you're planning on packing. I'm busy at the moment, but I can most likely be there around 5pm. We'll go out for dinner afterwards. Are you alright with me coming over to help? Please answer back so I know as soon as possible. Jacob Bixenman (Dom)

Troye moved to hit reply so fast he nearly knocked his laptop off the bed.

To: Jacob Bixenman From: Troye Mellet
Subject: Moving (RE:)(RE:)(RE:) That would actually be wonderful, sir, and I love spending time with you. I don't mind at all. We don't have to go out for dinner though, I feel bad when you spend excessive amounts of money on me and I can't give you something in return. 5pm sounds great, I hope to see you then. Troye Mellet (Sub)

The younger boy chewed at his nails nervously as he constantly refreshed the page, wondering if it was just failing to inform him that he had a new message. Jacob had said he was busy though, so Troye figured maybe he was just unable to answer back. If Jacob was coming over though Troye was going to need to shower the sweat from the night before off himself, although it felt like he had been wiped down at least. He figured he had Jacob to thank for that. And then his laptop pinged.

To: Troye Mellet From: Jacob Bixenman
Subject: Moving (RE: x4) We'll go out to eat because I don't take fondly to your mother. I also don't at all mind spending money on you if you are good for me in return, and you are good for me, Troye. You mustn't think that you aren't. See you at 5pm, pet. Jacob Bixenman (Dom)

Troye glanced at the clock, finding it was already 2pm. He still had to eat lunch, pick his room up from it's current cluttered state, and he needed to shower and find something to wear. Jacob hadn't given him instructions. So despite the pounding that still went on in his head if he moved too quickly, he rushed around to prepare for Jacob. After dressing himself he first informed his parents as he grabbed a sandwich, he picked up his room and opened up the boxes he had already packed so that Jacob could sort through them and tell him what was good and what wasn't, and he took what was probably the fastest shower of his life. When he finally finished and was blow drying his hair, it was nearing 4:30pm. It left him little time to choose a decent outfit. He sifted through his closet completely nude with a toothbrush in his mouth, pulling out a pair of tights out that had a space themed pattern. He quite liked them, because not only were they comfy but they were cute as well.

He chose a long purple shirt that went to the bottom of his bum, and he dug out a pair of black panties with blue polkadots. They were silky rather than lace, as he didn't want any lines showing through the tights. At 4:50 the doorbell rang, and he moved down the stairs so fast he nearly fell. As he reached the bottom, his father had already let Jacob in.

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