"I don't wanna lose you and I know that now. I'm used to doing what I want so it's hard respecting what we have how you want but I'll learn I swear to
God if you take me back I won't embarrass you."

Iman was starting to panic because Aaron really seemed over it and he couldn't handle their relationship seriously ending.

Aaron looked over at the pleading boy and sighed.

"This is it. I'm done after this. One more time and word to my mother we done. And give me yo phone." Aaron said snappily, getting a big grin out of the boy.

Iman meant it this time. He was done cheating and lying.

"Have it. Want my social security? You can have it all." Iman sighed in relief and walked over to Aaron, kissing him happily.

"Unt un dont kiss me I don't know where ya lips been son."

"I know where they can be." He said suggestively before backing Aaron against his bed and laying him flat.

If he was gonna be a clown and take him back he might as well be a clown and get some dick.


"You don't know how to problem solve, you just shut everybody out and stop responding. That's not how you communicate."

"I don't owe anybody conversation and I don't need friends." Tay said nonchalantly.

"Still don't like the boys on the basketball team?"

"They act like bitches."

"They scared of you."

"They should be. I didn't even realize how mean I was till I met you. I be ready to shoot a nigga in the face for looking at me sideways then I remember that that's not okay." He felt laylanis hands play in his hair and smiled softly.

"Your hair is so pretty. It's like ashy black but not ashy brown. Take it out of that nappy ass ponytail and let me do it." She reached for the hair tie and he slapped her hand away.

"I don't wanna. My hairs tangled and you gon hurt me."

"Ok but it looks dry and crusty."

"That's how I like it then. I don't say nun when you take them braids out and look like a MoMoLand member got a spray tan."

"I don't look Asian my eyes ju-"

"Chinky. As hell."

"Shut up bitch." Laylani said loudly, making sure he heard her as she played with his hair. His ponytail was longer than hers.

"Chill out. I hate that shit." He turned to look at her and she laughed, not really caring.


Tay side eyed her and noticed how entertained she was.

"You just want some dick. Trying me not gon get you no where." Tay felt her legs and arms go around him and he laughed at her childish attempt to get his attention.

"Sorry can I-"

"Should've asked like a big girl from jump so no. Fuck out my face." He tried pushing her off but she just clung to his side quietly.

𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘓𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘚 𝘍𝘓𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎  (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now