Paintbrush Dating Headcanons

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~**Paintbrush Dating Headcanons!!**~

❥After getting eliminated, you were always quite lonely in your Hotel OJ suite, so you spent most of your time talking to other objects in the hotel.

❥One day you were in the kitchen getting a soda, and you heard Trophy's voice:

❥"How's life going with your roommate?"

❥You questioned him on what he meant until he told you that OJ said that Paintbrush was going to stay with you.

❥This news had you beaming with excitement!! He shrugged and said "anything's better than having Tissues for one."

❥You silently agreed with him before hurrying back to your room to tidy it up before they got there. But when you slid your keycard and opened the door, you were surprised to see Paintbrush packing their things into empty drawers with a frown on their face.

❥You blushed a little, cursing at yourself for not picking up your room, but before you could beat yourself up some more they were staring at you.

❥They muttered a "hey," brushing their bristles back. It had been weird to see you after the passage of so many episodes.

❥"Hello!!!" You smiled, silencing your heart from exploding right out of your chest. "Do you...need any help with getting settled??"

❥They asked were to put Baxter, and of course you happily got a container for him from OJ, and you both spent some time catching up.

❥It had been weird to hear so many things that happened without you— and it made you rather jealous that you weren't there to experience any of it.

❥After a couple weeks you and Paintbrush grew on each other and of course, became a couple!!

❥It was first awkward cuddling, small handholding and conversations down at the Hotel Cafe. The other objects would begin suspecting that you two had gotten together. (Especially Salt and Pepper)

❥When Paintbrush started their arts and crafts classes to help tame their anger, you supported them through it all. You were also very supportive when it came to them telling you that they were non-binary.

❥You wouldn't miss a session of their arts and crafts classes for the world!! Sometimes during their little lectures you'd focus more on them instead of their words <3

❥Since they prefer to keep their bristles nice and orderly, you learned what ways they like it in and Painty would have you do it for them.

❥You both agreed on keeping the relationship a secret, as you both didn't want the attention. So there wasn't much in terms of PDA outside of the hotel room.

❥But one day during a cuddling session, Soap came in without knocking for her "daily mandatory cleaning" for each room; the cats were out of the bag.

❥For a little while, it was the talk of the hotel, but then everyone knew and got used to it. Some found it cute! 

❥After that event, you and Painty were more open to cuddling on the couch of the lobby, or kissing each other outside of the room.

❥When Painty gets mad, you found great tactics to calm them down: making their favorite tea, having them pet Baxter, etc,.

❥When you two get into small arguments, it'd usually end in a small tickle fight, of course Painty wins because they're a lot taller than you

❥When you two get into small arguments, it'd usually end in a small tickle fight, of course Painty wins because they're a lot taller than you

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Hope you enjoyed!

Requested by: MR_MAN_YES  💝

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