Part 6 - Unwelcome visitor

Start from the beginning

She looked at Dex, he was watching the band on stage, he seemed nervous, he was jumpy and couldn't keep still on his feet, his hands were constantly moving, his whole body fidgeting like a child on a sugar high! She looked at his face, his eyes were wide and despondent, sweat was running down his forehead, his hair already stuck to him before he'd even gone on stage!

'That's it, isn't it' thought Millie, He's on drugs, they all are' she thought, looking over at Jesse who didn't even look like he knew what time of day it was! Millie's excitement quickly faded, replaced with anger and disappointment, she despised drugs! She'd been in an abusive relationship with a drug addict in the past and it was not something she was willing to repeat! She was too old for the drama, violence and heartache that came with it.

They were minutes away from going on stage, Dex downed the rest of his drink, putting the bottle down he turned to Millie and put his arms around her. She turned her head away.

"Are you alright?" He asked, confused by her response.

"Yeah, you just..uh, stink of alcohol" she replied, trying not to make too much of an issue of anything right before he had to go on stage

"Oh" he smiled

"Sorry babe" he added, leaning in to kiss her. She kissed him back and forced a smile, now wasn't the time to deal with it.

"ONE MINUTE GUYS" yelled their security manager Mac, he approached Dex, holding out his hand, Dex took his mobile phone from his pocket

"Mil can keep my phone" Said Dex, handing it over to her. Mac always took their phones before a performance, partly to look after them, Dex' phone flying out of his pocket and into the audience would be a catastrophic invasion of his privacy but he took them away more to remove the distraction, Dex had been known to send a text mid-show! More than once, much to Mac's annoyance

Mac didn't say anything, but he shot Dex a look of annoyance.

"I gotta go baby" said Dex,

"Watch me" he said, Millie just nodded as he was led away to another part of backstage to get ready to go on.

She sighed heavily. Feeling disappointed that this felt like it had to be the beginning of the end.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed someone come and stand next to her, she glanced over, a tall, thin lady stood beside her, Millie had no idea who she was or why she was backstage for the Craze show. The lady looked over at Millie, she smiled.

"Hi" smiled Millie, just being polite.

"Hi, you must be Millie, right?" Said the lady

"Uh, yeah, I am" replied Millie, confused

"Ah, I've heard a lot about you" she replied, Millie noticed her American accent as she continued to speak.

"I'm Catherine, well just Cat" she smiled, Millie was still none the wiser which must have been evident on her face prompting Cat to add

"Jesse's fiancée"

"Ahh, hi!" Said Millie, finally in the loop.

"It's good to meet you, and have another female to talk to!" Laughed Millie

"Dex has mentioned you, great to put a face to the name" she replied. As a fellow band members girlfriend she felt an instant connection to Cat, very few people, certainly no one in her own circle of friends knew what it was like to date someone in the job Dex was in, trying to survive a long distance relationship, plane-hopping from country to country, living out of hotel rooms, having to deal with fans, lusting after your boyfriend and sending you hate messages and a constant stream of abuse! It was tough and none of Millie's friends quite understood

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