Chapter 16

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Peter woke up early, growing bored laying in bed. He wasn't tired anymore, which was kind of ironic seeing as sleep never came easy for him in the past. But Peter's leg was starting to feel tingly, not in a good way and not in the Spidey sense way either. His leg was falling asleep and he hated it.

So Peter crawled out of bed and into the bathroom. After cleaning up and changing into some loose clothes, Peter went into the living room to lie down. He wasn't all that hungry at the moment surprisingly. So when Peter saw Steve come walking down the hall, he tried to hide behind the couch but failed miserably, Steve seeing a glimpse of his curly hair. "Peter? What are you doing up so early, son?"

"C-Chilling," Peter murmured as he sat up. Peter got a good look at Steve's attire and noticed he was in jog-wear. "Are you leaving?" The spiderling asked, tilting his head a bit. "Just for my morning job. Wanna join?"

Peter shrugged his shoulders sadly. "I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with you." Steve smiled assuringly. "Maybe. But I would enjoy the company..."

The Spiderbaby came to the realization that no was not an option and stood up with a stretch. "I'll go get my shoes..." Steve broke into a wide grin. "I'll be here~"


The two of them were stretching in a park that was in close range. Tony had briefly told Steve about the situation that happened at that certain park. Even though Steve was slightly disappointed, considering the fact he enjoyed jogging repeatedly around the lake until he couldn't feel his legs. But he'd never want to harm Peter or make him feel uncomfortable.

Peter stared down the long path, not feeling bothered at all by it. He knew he had enough stamina to run just as long as Steve, but he knew that'd be weird. After all, Steve had no idea Peter was Spiderman, a child with enhanced senses. Peter knew he'd eventually have to come to a stop and pretend to be tired, but he was still looking forward to--

"You do this often?" Peter asked curiously. "Daily," Steve replied before going ahead and running. "H-Hey!" Peter yelped, before running to catch up. "You're not supposed to start without me!" Peter whined. Steve only chuckled.

Peter glared at Steve, his lips pulling into a pout. "This isn't even a jog! This is a full-on sprint!" "Sure is!" Steve grinned, before that grin slightly faltered. "How are you even keeping up, Parker?"

"Uh, long legs?" Peter shrugged. Steve stifled a chuckle. "Sure." Peter frowned at this, feeling as though Steve was onto him. He going to slow down on purpose, only for Steve to start actually hauling ass. "Oh come on!" Peter whined, slowing down a bit. "Don't give up on my now, Parker!" Steve called over his shoulder. 

Peter sighed heavily, stretching for only a moment as joints popped loudly, cracking his knuckles and neck at the same time. "Okay, here we go," Peter muttered, before breaking into a mad dash. Steve was nothing more than a speck until Peter started booking it to catch up. Steve, didn't seem focused on Peter, but when he saw the head of curls beside him in his peripheral vision, his eyes widen.

"What the hel--" "Isn't that a swear?" Peter huffed with a smirk. Steve's lips thinned, before turning forward once more. It was quiet between the two until Steve looked at the Spiderling with his face scrunched up. "Okay, kid. How are you keeping up with me?"

Peter shrugged. "High stamina. From chasing those kids around at the 'Home'."  Steve shrugged at that. "They must've been pumping you with the good stuff. Like vegetable and stuff." Peter looked at Steve strangely. If that's what Steve wanted to think then so be it. That's when Peter's senses started going haywire.

He looked forward, only to catch a glimpse of a tall boy, before running straight into him. Peter held a hand to his forehead with a groan. "Ow," Peter moaned. Steve knelt down looking between Peter and the boy. "Are you boys hurt?"

Peter finally opened his eyes to see his legs tangled with a boy who looked somewhat older than him. His face looked extremely scared but Peter wasn't one to judge. The boy sat up properly, looking fine. "Sure am, Cap," he said cheekily. Steve looked taken back by this, but not too much. People noticing him in public must be normal. 

Peter quickly untangled himself and helped the boy up. "S-Sorry, I'm Peter." Peter held out his hand. The boy took his head giddily. "I'm Wade."

Steve scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Sorry, kid. What were you doing in the path anyway." Wade shrugged, pulling his hand away. "Enjoying the view," Wade stated simply. Peter hummed gently. "Seems plausible."

The three of them stood in awkward silence until Wade smiled a bit. "So, will I be seeing you around?" Before Peter could say anything, Steve answered. "On our jogs, yes." This caused Wade to grin. "That's awesome, man."

Wade turned back to Peter and patted his shoulder. "See you around. Petey~" "Peter," Peter corrected under his breath, but Wade didn't see to notice, walking away. Peter turned back to Steve and the two of them silently communicating. "We'll finish up here then head back to the Compound, yeah?"

Peter nodded with a grunt and the two went back to jogging. Wade watched them as they grew smaller into the distance. His earpiece began to go static-like before a voice came through. "Did you plant the tracking device?" "Yeah, boss. But seriously, what's the point? You already know where he is. The tracking device seems pointless to me."

"Shut it, Wade," the boss spat. Wade shrugged.  "I'm just saying." Wade could imagine the boss balling up his fist and crushing a beer bottle in his fist. "You're going to get a bullet to the head if you keep getting attitude."

Wade laughed loudly. "I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me!" The boss cursed under his breath. "I"Just keep watch on him until I tell you to go in standby."

Wade rolled his eyes. "Sure...bitch." 


Steve pulled up to the Compound in his car. He himself could have just run back home, but he already knew Peter was tired enough and driving back would be best. Peter frowned when Steve was dropping him off. "You're leaving?" 

Steve nodded. "I got to go to that birthday party, remember?" Peter nodded before waving to Steve. "Bye!" Steve couldn't help but smile warmly and waving back before driving away. Peter walked inside, got greeted by Jarvis just as he got in the elevator.

"Is Mr. Stark up?" Peter asked. "Yes, he's currently in the kitchen." Peter nodded to himself just as the elevator doors opened.

Peter peered his head through and could see Mr. Stark standing in front of the coffee machine, lost in his own thoughts. Peter grinned. "Mr. Stark!"

Peter began to run towards him, only for a figure to suddenly appear in front of him. Peter fell back on his ass for the second time that day and looked up at the figure in absolute confusion. The man had slicked-back hair and wore green clothes. He looked down at Peter, unimpressed, and Peter couldn't help but be in awe. He looked like he was somewhat involved with Thor.

A staff then appeared in his hand.

Yup. definitely Thor related.

He pointed the staff straight a Peter, looking down at him trying to assert some sort of dominance. 

"And who are you?"


Yea I know I normally post on Friday, but I'm just gonna post tonight so I don't forget. Enjoy, my loves.

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