🔪 Twenty-three 🔪

622 31 22

"Take what I want when I wanna

And I want ya"


[ C o l b y ]
I must've fell asleep, because it was now the next morning.

And, I felt really nervous. I didn't know how today was going to play out. I was afraid that I would chicken out and just let the day go on as it usually does. But at the same time I really want to tell Sam how I feel.

I don't know why I'm worried, he would understand 100%. I mean, he's the one that kind of forced this relationship on me anyways.

But it is truly my fault for letting myself fall for him.
Like, he's one of the most toxic people I have ever met, and here i am catching feelings for him.

And he truly looked innocent when I first saw him, minus the cold stare.

But other than that, he looked innocent and just normal. Blue eyes, blond hair. Cute.

But, his personality was the exact opposite.


I am now on my way to school. I'm feeling even more nervous than I did this morning, and I didn't even know it was possible to feel how I'm feeling right now.

I had a pit in my stomach and butterflies were flying all around.

At certain points, I had to stop walking and just think for a moment to calm myself down. I probably looked like a crazy person, just muttering to myself.

I eventually made it, and I saw Sam at my locker, on his phone. I slowly walked towards him and I suddenly started to blush.

"Hey colbs- you alright?" He asked, and put a worried look on his face.

"Yeah...w-why? I'm fine" I lied, well, half lied.

"Your face is red" he said, and he put his hand on one of my cheeks. "And your face feels kind of warm" he pointed out, and gave me a suspicious look.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, again, and crossed his arms.

"I'm fine, let's go to class, okay?" I said, and quickly started walking away. I took a deep breath and sighed. I'm so so shy and awkward when it comes to the topics of crushes. Because I'm always afraid of them making fun of me. But Sam wouldn't do that, he 1, likes me, and 2 he's my friend.

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