It runs within the family (13)

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" I ask still lying down rubbing my temples.

"All the teachers say you fainted and were screaming while unconcius, but you went into the memory of that girl didn't you?" He asked.

"I think so, but why?" I say trying slightly to sit up.

"I dunno. I remember reading about it somewhere. Usually they only happen in a dream though." Trent says and rubs my hand. "Don't worry about it ok?"

I nod, but how could I not worry? I just had some sort of seziure and that what may happen once or twice? Only when someone is killed by a wolf. Will I always scream out when that happens?

Trent told me to get some rest because it will help my headache. So I lie back down on my pillow and shut my eyes, but once I do I fall into the world of dreams. I'm thrown into a toss and turn of nightmares.

My screams are whispers in a dark cavern. I hear wolves howl, and Trent calling my name. I run into the black abid and scream out for Trent, but the wolves snarls get louder and drown out my.words.

"No! No!" I hear a girl scream.

Light came into the cavern and I came to a small patch of water. I looked down at my reflection. At first I saw myself, but then the water rippled and I was in wolf form. Blood dripped from my jaw, and my eyes furiously bright gold.

What have I done? 'You monster!' A voice echos in my mind.

No, no I, I'm not! I troed to speak but snarls replace my words.

"Rosa, wake up." Says Trent as he shales me by the shpulders until I had woken up. "Rosa its just a dream, its just a dream." Says Trenr as I gasped and sat up.

I took a deep breath amd ran my fingers through my hair. "Just a dream." I murmur under my breath.

"Come downstairs I'll make you some chicken noodle soup." Says Treant and wraps his arm around me for support.

I sit in the kitchen staring out the window, and talk to Trent while he prepares the soup. "I don't know whats happeneing. For awhile I feel great and pure, but then I feel as though I'm dark and guilty of something." I say and hide myself in my crossed arms.

"You aren't guilty of anything-."

"Then why do I feel like this?" I interupt Trent and look up at him with glassy eyes.

"I dont know. Even I don't have all the answers about our kind. I know for sure though that you are not dark." Trent sayd and rubs my cheek with his thumb. Then I kissed him. "I love you." I say, and he replies the same.

Trwnt turned to the soup and the front door opens. "Rosa I'm home." My dad says as he walks in.

"Hi dad." I say and go to see him.

"What's Trent doing here?" He asks angrily.

"I got sick and he's taking just care of me."

"Hello Mr.Dari." Trent says and sets the table.

"After dimner he can go home." My dad says and storms off into his study.

I roll my eyes and sit down with Trent for dinner. "He really does hate me doesn't he?"

"No, he doesn't hate you....alright maybe a 'lil." I say laughing.

We eat dinner amd Dad comes downstairs. Trent senses he should go and gets up to leave. "I love you." I say and kiss him goodbye. When I walk back dad stares at me head cocked to the side. "Nice eyes." He says and smiles.

"Contacts." I begin but dad finishes for me. How did he know what I was goimg to say? I think.

"Rosa I know what you are." He says and steps closer to me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask my heart beating rapidly.

"You are destined aren't you?" He asks and takes one more step.

He is a few feet away from me, and I am pressed up against the kitchen window. "I, I don't know what you mean." I say trembling.

"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!" He screams eyes turning gold. He begins to raise his arm at me, and claws begin to form.

I take the knife on the kitchen table and plunge it into his palm, then I run into the backyard. I hear him cry out and knock things down coming after me. Once I'm in the backyard I am surrounded by the forest in the distance, and a few grlarden benches. I hear a growl from behind me and when I spin my head around a huge black wolf comes running towards me.

It jumps so I drop to the ground and miss its death pounce. I soon realize its my dad that is the werewolf. Saliva drips from his teeth and his eyes squinting at me in anger.

I transform into my werewolf self almost instantaneously. Turns out when threatened the transformation is less painfull. "Join me!" My dad's voice screams in my mind.

"Join what?" I question him. We walk in a circle, each snarling but no one makong an attack.

"You're dark and you know it. Fufill your destiney JOIN ME!"

"NO!" I yell and pounce at him. His teeth rip at my fur but I dont feel a thing. I sink my teeth into his shoulder and he lets out a whimper. We release on eachother and step away. "I will never join you." I say. I turn to leave when I hear him running towards me. My claws slice the air and his paw. He lets out one last whimper and heads out into the forest.

"I will change your mind, and if I don't I'll just kill you like I did your mother!" Then silebce is loud like screams.

My legs can no longer hold me and I colapse to the ground. My bare limp body lays on the ground and I cry.

SOO!!!! Who saw her Dads part coming? Did anyone expect him to be a werewolf eh? Do you think Rosa will go running after him?

I luved this chapter and hope you guys did too!!!? READ VOTE AND COMMENT plz luvyou ♥

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