| High School || part one

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| High School | part one

My head was against his chest and we were both breathing hard. The room seemed to have gotten 10 degrees hotter since we’d entered 3 hours ago. Sex with Darion never was just quick and easy. It seems every time we did have sex there would be different sensations going through my body each time. His hands were on my ass and mine were on his chest as we were both coming down from our highs. The only thing that could be heard in the room was the slight mutters from family downstairs and the music we had playing in here. I looked up at him and saw he was looking at me. 

I started blushing and looked away. “What are you looking at?” 


“Well stop it before all this staring gets you a round 3,” I started getting up but his hands moved to my waist and kept me in a position where I was straddling his v-line. 

“Don’t tempt me. I WILL tear that ass up, just watch,” he said with a smirk on his face. I laughed at his goofiness. “But I gotta tell you something Anastasia.” His face suddenly turned serious. 

“What is it babe?” 

“You know how I applied for the University of Miami right, well I got accepted!”

“D that’s great I told you, you could do it!” I kissed repeatedly on his lips until he started smiling so hard I couldn’t do it anymore.

“I know, I know and I really do pray to God every day for your support because I would not have graduated tonight without you.” I smiled at the compliment and did a slight hair flip.

 “I also know we’ve been together for a while now,” 2 ½ years to be exact “And you’re the first girl who has really ever had my back through everything that has happened in these past couple years even when we were just friends,” he laughed at the thought. 

I laughed too. It was strange to think just a few years ago that’s all we ever thought we were going to be. Everyone around us seemed to predict it but at the time the thought of us together just seemed gross in a way. Now look at us.

“I love you so much and you’re not only my girlfriend but my best friend and that’s why it hurts so much to say this but I’m breaking up with you Ana.” The smile that was previously on my face shattered. “It’s not because I don’t love you! I really do but I think it’s just time for us to go our separate ways,” he said sadly.  

I could feel a sob about to come out of my mouth but I pushed it down determined not to cry in front of him. It hurt like hell to know he didn’t even want to give a long distance relationship a try. 

“Ana you know I have commitment issues and I’d hate to hurt you by fucking with someone else while I’m telling you that I love you and promise to never hurt you.” I couldn’t look at him but I felt his eyes on me waiting for my reaction. 

“You know what, I get it Darion I do,” I got off the bed and turned on the light to search for my clothing. “But I’m not about to be buddy-buddy with a nigga I got real feelings for and have to hear about these other hoes you fucking from over the phone.” I pulled on my pants and looked in the mirror fixing my hair. 

I grabbed my bag and I had one hand on the door handle before I said “Goodbye Darion have a nice life.” 


Ana & Darion on the side - First part will be on this account and my 2nd one as well :)

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