vi. the rough night

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las vegas, nev.
36 hours ago

"Tony Stark. Visionary. Genius. American patriot."

Photos of a familiar man flashed over the screen as the ominous voice boomed. Many of them had been taken in the times before he was a father — as far back as Tony's childhood — but there was an assortment of pictures taken in recent years as well.

"Even from an early age, the son of legendary weapons developer Howard Stark quickly stole the spotlight with his brilliant and unique mind. At age four, he built his first circuit board. At age six, his first engine. And at 17, he graduated summa cum laude from MIT."

The "genius gene," as Elliott had nicknamed it, ran in the Stark family. Though she wouldn't be graduating college in time to best her father, the fifteen-year-old was set to begin online courses that fall, triple-majoring in computer science, psychiatry, and poetry. Unrelated subjects, but if anyone could do it, a Stark could.

If everything went according to plan, the youngest Stark would also be a rookie Agent of SHIELD by nineteen. That is, if they would actually accept a nineteen-year-old.

"Then, the passing of a titan. Howard Stark's lifelong friend and ally, Obadiah Stane, steps in to help fill the gap left by the legendary founder, until, at age 21, the prodigal son returns and is anointed the new CEO of Stark Industries. With the keys to the kingdom, Tony ushers in a new era for his father's legacy, creating smarter weapons, advanced robotics, satellite targeting. Today, Tony Stark has changed the face of the weapons industry by ensuring freedom and protecting America and her interests around the globe."

When the narrator quieted and the slideshow finished, Rhodey was brought onto the stage with a round of applause, a glass award displayed clearly on the podium in front of him. Looking out over the crowd with a smile, he glanced down at the cards in his hands. "I've been the liaison for Stark Industries for a while now, and it's been amazing to work with the true patriot. He is my friend and great mentor. Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to present this year's Apogee Award to Mr Tony Stark."

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