"That's right! I just couldn't put my finger on it." She shakes her head slightly at her forgetfulness but nonetheless adds them.

I smile, it's nice having people to talk to. Something close to the family I used to have.

"I'll make us some coffee." I say as I walk over to the other side of the kitchen. "Hey, Pho!? What's your favorite drink?" I yell to the living room and she rushes in and stands at the doorway and smiles a smile just like River's, "Juice!" She says and I nod.

Well that was a broad answer.

I make the coffee and put Pho's juice at her seat, me and El plate the food. I hope El likes my company, I tend to be annoying. It's not a tend it's just a fact..

Soon River is sat at the table, the sun barely starting to rise in this winter and the food smelling better than ever.

River sits next to me, his hand resting on my thigh making me flinch. He turns to look at me and I stir my food around the plate awkwardly,  it wanting him to know.

But he did give me all of this, a place to stay, food.

My first friendship in a while.

"You seem flinch-y today, love, are you okay?" He whispers into my ear when he leans in, scent washing over me as the familiar pine and... some sort of manly bath and body work scent like Graphite.

"I'm fine, you'll now everything soon." I say pushing my legs together and messing with my hand. He turns my head towards him, making sure not to interrupt El teasing Pho about what presents she got.  

"I am not gonna ask you to tell me everything, but I do eventually want to hear it. So I just want you to know, I am here, and I am listening. I am doing everything to make you sure that i don't hate you anymore, so I am saying it straight to your face, though I know it does not  work.

"Please, if not now then at some point, trust me." He finishes giving me a sad smirk and kissing my forehead. Every time he kisses me I freeze, it feels like his lips burnt themselves into my skin. I can still feel them there.

I move my fork onto my food again, showing food into my mouth like there's no tomorrow.


I set the rest of my coffee on the roofer table and curl up at the side of the round couch in the living room. There fake white tree is huge, lighting up the dark room and making it feel cozy

Pho sits on the ground and looks at her pile of presents. She rips open the packages one by one only a little stop to scream joyfully at what she got and hug El.

Her last present appears quickly, a box perfectly wrapped by El which I stare at her in awe over. Pho slowly opens this one we She read be letters, From: El, on the side.

Inside of a small box lies a picture of El on her first day of preschool, next to a picture of Pho this year on her first day of preschool.

She smiles and runs over to El, the frame is beautifully decorated, making me hunk El made it handmade.

You can tell Pho is happiest with this present, so sentimental besides the other gifts her mom got her as a sorry for not being here today.

I smile and hug Pho, grabbing the two small unevenly wrapped boxes from the tree. The ones I got, planning to have a backup for River but making one for Pho too.

I hand River the box and hand Pho another making her smile.

River opens his first, inside lies a necklace, a normal chain that a necklace would have, a silver shine on it. At the very bottom are two dark green beads, his favorite color, and a bright blue beaded gem.

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