High School

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Kiara's POV

I was walking down the hall. An awkward little girl I was. I was a thick girl, but I was ashamed of it. I saw all of these Bootylicious girls get tried like, frankly, sluts. I wasn't a slut. I never wanted to be that kind of girl. I never will be either. I just hid my body, covering myself in sweats and huge tye-dye tee shirts. I thought that looked pretty rockin! Others did not think that so much. I was called names going down the hallway. Ugly. Stupid. Bitch. It seemed like everyday, the words got worse and worse. I went into the library as quickly as I could. The first class bell needed to sound. This made me feel safe. After the six minutes, I would walk through the bare halls to my chorus class. My school required that every student cramed in a full day of performing arts classes one half of the day. After that, we all had to take all of our academic classes. Sadly, I had to get my PA classes done in the beginning of the day. I walked into class and went to my seat in the very front of class. I made eye contact with one person, the person that I hated with all of my heart. Jacob Perez. He was such an asswipe. He called out to me.

Jacob: Hey, wannabe. Guess what?

I mumbled, "What?" He replied in a whisper, "We have to sing in front of the class." I trembled at the thought! I can't sing in front of them. Mr. Alexander came out of His office.

Mr. Alexander: Hello class! Singing test and I choose Jacob to go first.

I rolled my eyes. He jumped up and went to front of the class.

Jacob: I will be singing "Suite and Tie" by Justin Timberlake.

Mr.Alexander: Proceed.

Jacob: "I can't wait to get you on the floor, good looking

Going up so hot Just like an oven...."

The girls seemed awe over him. I rolled my eyes whenever he looked at me. Mr. Alexander would look at me after each performance. I ended up being the very last to go. I slowly walked to the front of the class. There were so many eyes staring at me. Mr. Alexander looked at me. He knew I was scared. He whispered, "Just imagine that we're at home. Your mother will be sitting there watching." I smiled and my father, Mr. Alexander, sat at the piano.

Me: "I feel like the girl at the bar whose been there too long

Can't stand up.. "

I stared at my father the whole time. But half way through the strong. I hear a violin playing from behind me. It was a girl. She had curly hair and was playing the violin! Her playing made me feel more energized and soulful! I turned right to the class and sung louder. I even looked Jacob in his face, but he was looking at the girl. But once the song was over, everyone clapped loudly. I smiled a lot.

Mr.Alexander: Ms. Styles! I was preparing for you to get here. Class! This is Ryan Styles.

Jacob: Hello, Ryan.!

He bit his lips. Ryan spoke to Mr. Alexander in Spanish.

Jacob: I speak Spanish too!

Ryan: Cool beans, dude.

Mr. Alexander: Ryan, today, we are having a singing test.

Ryan: What do you want me to sing?

Jacob's evil girlfriend, Bia, blurted out.

Bia: "Too Close" By Alex Clare or is that too much of a challenge?

Ryan: Siéntese y observe, chica.

"Sit back and watch!" I really wanted yo hear what Ryan was about!

Ryan: "You know I'm not one to break promises

I don't want to hurt you but I need to breathe.."

She put her violin in place and began to play as she sang. She did beautifully! I was in awe! It was magically. I made the same face that my dad made when he discovered my singing! Plud Her look was just stellar! Ryan came in and saved me and she could hold her own.  She is above and beyond. Bia even took a backseat to her singing.  After she finished, the bell rang. Bia and Jacob's crew crowded her. I sighed. I guess we weren't meant to be friends.

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