"I know baby, me too.." he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. "How was her night feeds?" I look to him. "She drank so much.. I was worried it was too much at first but she kept drinking so I guess she was hungry" he chuckles. "Then I helped her pass wind and she fell asleep.. the second time I had to change her diaper too" I scrunch my face up.

"Was It a bad one?" I giggle "luckily not! But I was scared it would be" he chuckles and I kiss him. "Thank you for doing both of them" I kiss him again and he smiles. "We're a team.. anyway, just means you get the first bad diaper" he smirks and i gasp. "No way!! That's so not fair, I pushed her out" I cross my arms, pouting.

"Okay fair enough.. we'll do it together" he smirks and I still pout huffing. He laughs and watches as Mel lifts Charlotte out the cot, Dulcie goes straight over to her, resting her hand on the back of Charlotte's head.

I grab my phone and secretly snap a few photos of them, smiling as she whispers away to her sister, who's gazing at her. "She loves her so much already" Jamie whispers watching his two babies. "She does.. you know, nothing beats this.. the feeling inside, it's such a special feeling" I smile shyly, turning my gaze to him.

"The four of us against the whole world baby.. I promise" he kisses me lovingly and I smile against his lips, kissing him back.


We're soon allowed home, we say bye to my mom and she heads home, Jamie's gone to take the car round the staff parking area so we can leave without hassle of the few paps that. Dulcie helps me pack our bags up, making sure we have everything of Charlotte's.

"On the way home, you'll have to keep checking her for me and make sure she's okay" I say to Dulcie, kissing her head gently. "I will" she grins and wanders over to the door as Jamie comes back through.

"Here baby, get her ready in the car seat if you like, I just need to nip toilet and then we can go, Naomi's ready at the car waiting to say bye" he kisses my cheek before leaving to use the bathroom. "Oh I'm so ready to get you home baby girl" I gently lift Charlotte out the cot and kiss her head gently before placing her in the light pink car seat.

She's wearing the 'I love daddy' onesie I got Jamie for Christmas, Laid in the car seat she looks tiny. My heart melts over the sight of her, her pacifier moving in and out her mouth softly as she sleeps.

"I'm so excited to play with Charlotte with my dolly's" Dulcie jumps up and down beside me, grinning. "She's a bit too little for that yet, but when she's old enough, you can play together then, she loves her big sister so much" I kiss Dulcie's head as she hugs my legs.

"Thanks Dakota, you're the best" she grins, running over to her daddy as he comes back in. He walks to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Ready baby?" He looks down to me as I look up to him. "As I'll ever be" I smile shyly, leaning to kiss him before grabbing Charlotte's hospital bag and getting the car seat.

Jamie takes the bag from me and takes my hand, kissing it gently as we make our way through the hospital to the back, Dulcie wandering off in front of us. Once we get outside to the car Jamie helps Dulcie In before putting the bags in and taking the carrier seat from me to strap into the car.

"Thank you for helping us with so much!" I smile, hugging Naomi as we say bye. "You're welcome, anytime, now I'll keep in contact, we'll have to have a few catch up appointments for the first few months anyway so I'll see you both in a couple of weeks" she rubs my shoulder supportively before me and Jamie get into the car.

He drives us home, a quiet drive home, Dulcie sings along to the radio quietly whilst her hand rests on the side of Charlotte's carrier seat. I'm quiet with nerves, it's just us now and I'm slightly worried.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now