"Have the money"

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"We're obviously gonna save them"


"It's kinda weird without Myke and Alex around" Nick said, sighing sadly, wondering if their friends were safe.

"I know..." Jesse replied, pouring himself a glass of milk before putting the milk bottle back in the fridge.

"How much money do you have?" Nick asked, opening his wallet

"About $1936 in my box"

"That's great! We have more than enough. I have like $1993 in a safe in my room" Nick grinned, looking at his friend.

"So here's the plan" Jesse started to explain the plan to rescue Alex and Michel. Nick nodded before retreating up to his room to grab at least $64 to add to Jesse's $1936 to make $2000.

They stashed it in a bag and headed out to an old, abandoned house in a forest about half an hour's drive.


Michel opened his eyes, he had a massive headache but he ignored it. He looked to his right to see Alex opening her eyes.

"Psst- Allie. You okay?" Michel whispered, trying to stand up, only to find out both his legs and hands were tied together.

"All good. Just a headache and pain in my right shoulder. How about you? Are you okay, Myke?" Came a response from the short girl next to him.

"Just a headache. Are you able to move so I can see your shoulder?"

"Mmm" Alex groaned tiredly as she turned around so that her right shoulder was exposed to Michel. The said male's eyes widened as he saw her shoulder.

"That's not good" was all he could say.

"What?" Alex replied, trying to look but giving up as her headache got worse.

"It looks like a knife was dug into it. Looks very deep, once I find a way to untie my hands I'll help heal it" Michel started to look around the room. He noticed that the room was covered in dust and looked quite old.

'Probably abandoned' He thought to himself as he began to look for something sharp to cut the ropes with. Eventually, he came across an old, rusted nail coming out of the wall a few metres away from him. He scooted towards it, making sure to be silent.

Once Michel made it to the rusted nail, he began to cut the ropes off his hands. After a few minutes he managed to cut them off.

He crawled over to Alex, who seemed to have passed out, and ripped off some of his shirt; he also ripped the sleeve off of Alex's shirt so it didn't stick to her shoulder. He used the sleeve of Alex's shirt to wipe the blood off from around her shoulder before wrapping the piece of his shirt around it securely to both stop bleeding and make sure it doesn't get infected. Once the process was finished, Michel sat back down, allowing Alex to lay her head down in his lap before looking out the window.

'Please hurry Jesse and Nick'

The two boys walked towards the house. Jesse was holding the bag with the money while Nick scrambled off towards a window. Luckily, the abandoned house was a one story and nearly all the rooms had windows.

The plan was that Nick would look around all the windows to see what room Alex and Michel were in before returning to Jesse so they could give the money to Evil HypeMyke and get the two back. If he refused then they'd go to the room where they are and take them anyway. So it was basically a win-win if the plan succeeded but hopefully they could just give him the money.

After about 5 minutes Nick returned.

"Back room, should be down a hallway to the left. Alex seems to be passed out and Myke looks tired. Both seem fine though" Nick reported. Jesse nodded, noting each detail of what Nick said.

"Okay. So start with Plan A if that fails then obviously Plan B. Got it?"

"Got it"

Jesse and Nick approached the front door, knocking twice. They waited until they heard loud footsteps from the inside.

"Ah Jesse. Nick. I presume you have the money and have come to collect your friends" Evil HypeMyke smirked at the two boys. Jesse felt the urge to slap it off his face but was reminded by the fact he looks exactly like Michel that he was here to rescue them.

"That's correct" Nick nodded, speaking bluntly. Evil HypeMyke nodded mutely.

"Money first. You can head in to collect your friends before I change my mind"

The two boys nodded, handing Evil HypeMyke the bag full of money.

After that the boys headed into the house, walking down the hallway and to the left where they opened a quite dusty door.

"Jesse? Nick?" Michel tried good stand but was stopped by Nick.

"Calm yourself. Any injures?" Nick sat down by the two.

"We both have headaches but Al has a pretty deep cut on her right shoulder." Michel pointed to the red material on the sleeping girl's shoulder.

"I'll take her to the hospital. Since you said you have no injures, Nick will take you home and give you painkillers. Good thing we brought two cars" Jesse chuckled, picking Alex up bridal style. Nick helped Michel up, making sure to be gentle with his state.

"Alright. But be careful with her." Michel added, sternly, looking at Jesse with a dark yet tired look. Jesse nodded, slightly intimidated by the look on Michel's face.

Jesse and Nick separated, each going to different cars. Jesse drove to the hospital as quick as he could while Nick drove Michel home to allow him to rest and have painkillers.

To be continued-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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