"Is that blood?!"

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"Michel! Alex! We're home!" Jesse called as he and Nick entered the house.
"Michel?" Nick yelled
"Alex?" Jesse shouted

No response.

"Guys?" The boys called, looking around the house for any sign of their friends

"Jesse.... come here" Nick called, shakily, outside of Michel's room
"Coming" Jesse answered, walking up the stairs and along the hallway until he reached Nick, who had tears running down his face.
"What's wrong, bro?" Jesse asked, concern laced in his tone
Nick shakily pointed inside of Michel's room

Jesse opened the door and gasped in horror at the sight.
Blood everywhere. A knife with blood all over the blade laid a few centimetres away from Michel's desk, Alex's phone laid smashed and covered in- most likely- her blood. What scared the boys the most was the writing in blood on the white wall

"If you want your friends back, bring me the money. If you've forgotten you owe me $2000"

Immediately, Nick and Jesse knew it was Evil HypeMyke. They had made a video based on pranking Evil HypeMyke which had gone very wrong in every way. Turns out Evil HypeMyke wants the $2000 back that they had pranked him with.

"We got two choices, Jesse" Nick sighed

"Give him the money and set our friends free" he added

"Or don't give him the money and risk our friends getting killed" Jesse finished

"We're obviously gonna save them"

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