Part 2: 6 years later.

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[Naruto's POV].

Uzushio is now already built, up and running. 

Hi I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm the 2nd Uzukage. I have a wife and son. Brothers and sisters. Nephews and a niece. I've got the fox summoning. I have the Akatsuki under my wing since my uncle is Nagato Uzumaki. I've now got a new cousin named Yahiko Uzumaki. Here let me tell you about the things that my people do.

As you know I'm the Uzukage.

Kakashi is in charge of the Anbu and is my right hand man.

My sister Morgan Uzumaki is in charge of the Hospital.

Itachi and Obito are Anbu Captains.

Kisame and Kaneki Senju are Anbu Lieutenants.

Deidara, Hidan, Zetsu, Menma Hatake, Isobu, Goku and Ichigo Uchiha are Anbu Members/Patrols.  

My Uncle Nagato is the Vice Uzukage which mean if I'm ever out of the village then he comes in and does the job until I come back. 

Konan, Rei Uzumaki, Kai Uzumaki and Kurama are my Assistance. Though they don't help out that much because I normally finish the things anyway but it's nice the have them around.

Kakuzu is the trader. He trades with other people that comes to visit. 

Sasori is the weapon maker. He makes the finest of weapons in Uzushio.

Toshiro Uzumaki, Obito Jr Uzumaki, Sakumo Uzumaki, Tobirama Senju, Madara Senju, Lilly Senju, Kane Hatake, Mika Hatake, Kuro, Karin Uchiha, Tadaomi Karasuma, Kuro Uzumaki, Irina Jelavic, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfilia, Han Hyuga and Ren Uzumaki are all Genin Students that will join this years Chunin exams but we'll get onto that later.

Karma Uzumaki and Rin Uzumaki are both Academy students.

Ken Uzumaki, Karuto Uzumaki, Yahiko, Kylia Uchiha are either Nursery students or are in Babyhood years.

Mia Senju, Kashi Hatake, Matatabi, Saiken, Rukia Uchiha, Jane Uchiha and Morgan are doctors in Uzushio hospital.

Shukaku, Kokuro,  Chomei, Gyuki, Toriko Uzumaki and Zen Uzumaki are Jounin Leaders.

The uniform isn't like Konohagakure's. No the Chunin and Jounin uniform are with only the Jounin uniform, a green jacket and a red banner that goes around your arm (Like in Boruto's). Unless your Kakashi then you would have a grey jacket instead. 

So yeah anyway back to the story

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So yeah anyway back to the story. I sent Granny Tsunade a letter saying that how many teams will be participating within the Chunin exam. I chuckled.

"Let the games begin, Konoha," I whispered. 

[Tsunade's POV]. 

I was doing paperwork. Ugh I wanna burn it to the ground. I haven't heard from Naruto ever since he was banished. The Chunin exams are coming up, so I'll see which Village's Genin are coming and how many there are. 

2 from Kumogakure.

2 Kirigakure.

1 from Sunagakure.

2 from Konohagakure.

2 from Iwagakure.

6 from Uzushiogakure.

I drank from my cup.

"So the 5 normal.... wait one second! Uzushiogakure!!" I shouted. Then Shizune came running.

"Lady Tsunade, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Shizune, read this out clearly. I want to know if I'm dreaming or not," I said. She nodded and read through the list.

"Wait Uzushiogakure has been destroyed many years ago. Then how on earth are they back together?" Asked Shizune.

"I have no idea but I have a feeling it's Naruto or Morgan. Even though the Uzukage has requested to come here and sign a peace treaty with us," I said. 

"What will you do, Lady Tsunade?" asked Shizune.

"I'm going to reply to the Uzukage and agree on the meeting. From there we will have to see," I said. She nodded. I wrote a reply to the Uzukage and waited until the Chunin exams.

[Naruto's POV]

"Naru-kun, the Hokage has replied. She said yes for the meeting," said my lovely wife Rei. I looked up at her and saw my little bundles in her arms. I smiled. 

"That's great. Now all we have to do is wait," I smiled. She smiled back. I got up and saw my two year old son awake. I poked his nose.

"You're meant to be a sleep mister, it's gone past your bedtime," I said. 

"No," he said adorably. I smiled. I tooked him into my arms as Rei sat on the sofa that is in my office. 

"Karuto, please for me? For daddy?" I pouted and asked. He giggled and rested his on my shoulder and went to sleep. I looked back at Rei and smiled. She sighed in relief. 

"Thank you. I tried to make him get to sleep for a while now. Thanks babe," she said kissing me. 

"No problem," I said lovingly. 

Me and Rei went home. I placed Karuto in his bed as he snuggled up to his teddy bear. I walked outside of the room and closed the door. I walked into mine and Rei's bedroom. There I saw her getting changed for bed. I licked my lips lustfully. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, sucking on her neck. She gasped and blushed.

"N-Naruto," she moaned. I smirked and began to take off her top. 


I gave her multiple hickeys on her neck and shoulders. She turned around and face me. I smiled lustfully.

"Master~" i whispered into her ear. She smirked and kissed my life. She tooked off my Kage cloak and dumped it on the floor. She then tooked off my top and dumped it onto my cloak. She touched my necklace that Granny gave me. 

"You know Naruto. I'm glad," she said.

"Glad about what Rei?" I asked.

"I'm glad I got to know you and date you before any other girl walked into your life," she smiled. 

"You'll always be the girl that I want," I whispered taking off her bra. I picked her up and laid her on the bed.

"Master, can I play with you for a little while?" I asked. She stroked my cheek and bit my ear.

"Pleasure me however you want, daddy," she whispered. I smirked and placed my lips onto her neck. I kissed, licked and sucked on her skin while going down to her right breast. I put the bud in my mouth and sucked it whereas the other bud was being pleasured by my hand. I then changed to her other bud and gave it the same treatment. I kissed and licked downwards towards her shorts. I smirked and tooked them off, looking at her wet panties. I licked my lips hungrily. I suck on her cover slit. She moaned loudly. I tooked off her panties and dumped them onto the floor. There she was, naked in front of me. Sure we've down this before but I can't help but blush at her body. I laid on the bed as she straddled my hips. She sucked and lucked my whole chest. I moaned. She pulled down my pants and smirked. She rubbed my clothed cock. I moaned loudly. She tooked my underwear off and lick the tip. I closed my eyes. She then tooked me in her mouth and licked it. I moaned while shaking. I tooked her off of my cocked and laid her down. I entered into her. We both moaned loudly. 

"N-Naruto," she moaned. I thrusted in and out of her hard. Few minutes later she cam then I cam. I hugged her while covering us with the covers. 

"Night beautiful," I said.

"Night handsome," she said. I kissed her and went to sleep.

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