Chapter 7: Date Night

Start from the beginning

"As long as I don't have to get naked maybe I will give it a try, I really don't want to be cooped up in an office." He smiles.

"Perfect, when can you start?"

"When do you want me to start?"

"Next week if that's ok with you?"

"Just fine." "So when does your friend get off?"

"He gets off in an hour and it'll be at least another hour before he gets here, depending on traffic. Do you have any siblings?"

"No, do you?"

"I have two older brothers, they're assholes."

"Oh I'm sorry, that's why my dad stays on me about him wanting grandkids." He does that laugh again. "What is it about you and kids."

"I want some of my own someday, once I find them the perfect mother." When he says that his tone changes, he must have mommy issues like me.

"Oh really, I bet my dad would love you. He might try to pay you to convince me to marry you."

"Really, that would be a tempting offer. How would I be able to refuse?" I punch him in the arm, he flinches.

"Ouch, that actually hurt. I only say that because I think I could see us there one day."

"You know every boyfriend I've ever had told me that." He thinks about this.

"I would never hurt you. I am not like those other boys, I have had a broken heart before I would never nor have I ever broken a girl's heart." I look at him his face has changed again, in some far-off dark place.

"Sometimes I hurt them." 

"You could never do anything to hurt me to the point that I wouldn't want to still be with you ." There was something else in his voice.

"We will see these are all things I've heard before because for some reason they never see the real me in the beginning and then when they meet her they never come back." He takes my hand and lifts my face to his with the other.

"I know more about the real you than I do about you and that's how I know that no matter how long it takes I will prove to you that we can be together. If I do will you be mine?"

"It's not going to be easy," I tell him.

"You sound like Jason, I know it won't be easy. You are the girl version of me as I am the boy version of you."

"Fine, you have a deal." I sigh in frustration. There's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it, it's Jason." He gets up and goes to the door.

"Oh man, I just knew that you had lied to me and she was about to kick my ass for disturbing her." The boy who oddly could be Jace's brother save the fact that Jason is a little taller than him and their hair and eye color are different. 

"You really thought I'd send you to her apartment before I had a chance to see it myself."

"You are still creeping me out, man." He says as they make their way back to the living room.

"Shadow this is Jason Black. Jason meet Shadow Heart."

"Hello," I say.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, so before I sit down and make myself comfortable, you are aware that we are about to do something very illegal?" Jace punches him in the arm.

"Dude, she was a teenage assassin do you really think she needs to hear your shit?" He looks over at me.

"Is that true?" He asks.

"Yes, trust me there's shit on my resume that you've never even heard of. I'm only twenty and if I ever got caught for all the shit I've done my rap sheet would be longer than any four of your top criminals combined. You do the math." His jaw drops and he turns to Jace.

"Don't look at me I'm still learning." He shrugs and laughs

"I apologize then."

"We're cool. So Jace let's hear the plan." He chuckles.

"Why do you have somewhere to be?"

"If you don't mind I'd like to be decent for our date." 

"A date?" Jason questions.

"I lost a bet," I state.

"Funny I didn't take you for the gambling type."

"Most people don't and usually I don't lose."

"Ok I take it back you two deserve each other. No offense."

"The plan," I say flatly.

"Well, word on the street is that he goes out canvassing every Monday night, as I've said before with the right outfit he'll spot you immediately. Once his guards get you in his office he'll offer you a job as his waist lady, which you'll accept. The next part depends on you, you will need to figure out where he is hiding his safe and the combination to the safe. which at some point later you will break into and find his little black book. Once we have the book it's game over."

"So your big plan is to send her in alone. No offense." Jason says.

"We will be in the club but you know we'll never get within twenty feet of the man."

"Jason, I know that you don't know me and all, but you're really starting to insult me." I grind my teeth.

"Well excuse me for trying to make sure that the biggest job of our lives goes well and doesn't get us killed because if we fail the man won't stop until we are buried in his backyard." I rush him and before he even knows what's happening, I throw a left, right, and then spin kick his jaw loose.

"There is nothing that your man can do to kill me too many have tried and failed and just so you know, I could have just knocked you out or worse with those three moves. I haven't even used a little bit of energy, I have fought fifty men at one time without help and that was just training, but we weren't fighting like that it was always the last man standing and I was always standing. I was an assassin once perhaps you remember hearing of Night Shade?"

"No fucking way that you're fucking Night Shade. Fucking prove it." Jason challenges. 

"Follow me," I say and lead them upstairs to the spare room on the right of the staircase. I walk to the far wall, where I have two large bookshelves. I reach behind the shelf and press the pad, I step back as the bookshelves begin to slide back. "What was Night Shade's favorite weapon?"

"Semi-automatic, custom cross between an assault rifle and a sniper rifle," Jace says.

"Very good I customized and built that weapon myself," I say pulling out the gun and the box of empty shells. "The initials of every person I've ever killed with it are on those, proof enough for you."

"Holy shit it is you," Jason says in astonishment, I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

"Don't do it again and we're cool."

"You gonna go get ready?" Jace asks laughing. 

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