Attacks and Memories

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Me and my friends were at the Weasley's. It was Christmas and we all decided that it would be good to spend the holidays away from Hogwarts. Harry, Remus, Tonks, Mr. Weasley and I sat in the living room, talking about what Harry and I had hear, only I didn't tell them that I heard it too.

"Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Remus asked after Harry was done with the story. "I know it sounds mad." "Has it occurred to you that Snape was pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to?" Remus asked him. "That's not what it sounded like." Harry argued. "Perhaps Harry's right, Remus. To make an Unbreakable Vow-" Remus stopped her. "It comes down to weather or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement. Dumbledore trusts Snape, therefore I do." "Dumbledore can make mistakes. He-" Remus cut him off. "You are blinded by hatred." Remus snapped. "I'm not." "Yes you are. People are disappearing, Harry, daily. We can only place our trust in a handful of people. If we start fighting among ourselves, we're doomed." Remus commented.

"(Y/N)!" Harry called. "Yes?" I answered, snapping out of my daze. "Draco, you're the closest to him out of all of us. Do you know if he's a Death Eater?" "No, he's not." I answered, a bit hesitant. Harry narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure." "Yes, I asked." Harry's eyes narrowed further. "How do I know that you're not lying?" "Excuse me?! Why do you think I would be lying?" "Because he's your boyfriend." Now it was my turn to narrow my eyes. "You know what? Fine! Think of him whatever you want, Harry. I honestly don't care." I huffed and stormed out the room.

I ran up the stairs and into my and Ginny's shared room. I kicked the trunk, which stood at the foot of my bed and I sat down on my bed with a heavy sigh. "Why so frustrated, love?" A very warm and familiar voice asked. I looked up and Draco was standing in the middle of the room. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I will explain, but there isn't much time. Death Eaters are coming and they are going to attack. You need to leave." He urged.

There was a golden flash outside and there came screams from downstairs. I rushed over to the window and stumbled back in horror. The house was surrounded in a ring of fire and Bellatrix Lastrange stood in front of the flames. I turned towards Draco. "You need to go, they will see you." He nodded, gave me a quick peck on the lips and Disapperated.

I rushed down the stairs and outside. I caught a glimpse of someone running through the flames, only for Ginny to rush after that person. I ran towards Remus and Tonks, who were by the flames and tried to help them make a passage.

Then I heard the horrible voice of Bellatrix, chanting what she had yelled at the Ministry last year too. "I killed Sirius Black. I killed Sirius Black." She chanted. A sudden rush of anger and adrenalin flood through me and I ran through the flames, following Harry and Ginny.

I found them in and open spot, back to back. I quickly joined them, knowing it would be stupid to stand still. There were sounds coming from every angle. Until it all  stopped. It was silent for a moment, until the sound of a spell. Harry blocked it and more spells were send our way.

We were joined by Remus and Tonks not much later, all of us facing a different direction. The spells had stopped and the two Death Eaters showed themselves. The gave us an evil grin before disappearing into black smoke.

The blobs of smoke flew towards the house and moments later there was a loud bang and golden flames sprouted from the house. All of us ran towards the house and finding the Weasley family in front of the burning building.


"It's so easy to get to you." Hermione snapped. We were back at Hogwarts and Hermione had the Daily Prophet in her hands, which had an article about the attack. "You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You two have to realize who you are." Hermione scolded. "We know who we are, Hermione." Harry snapped.

We walked into a crowed corridor and spotted Ron and Lavender, sitting on a windowsill. They were talking, until Lavender hugged his arm and Ron threw us a pleading look. "Excuse me, I have to go and vomit." Hermione mumbled and turned on her heels.


Harry and I were in Dumbledore's office that evening. He had taken out the Pensive and we were about to watch another memory. We dunked our heads in and watched as the black smoke created an environment.

There was a young Tom Riddle sitting at a table with a few other boys. They were talking about various subjects. A Grandfather clock chimed and Slughorn sent the boys away. But Tom stayed behind.

"Look sharp, Tom. You don't want to be caught out of bed after hours. Is something on your mind, Tom?" Slughorn asked. "Yes, sir. You see, I couldn't think of anyone else to go to. The other professors, they're not like you." He charmed. " They might misunderstand." He added. "Go on." "I was in the library the other night, the Restricted Section, and I read something rather odd about a rare piece of magic. And I thought that you could illuminate me. It's called, as I understand it....." The voices suddenly got muffled and I couldn't  make out what Tom was saying. "I don't know anything about such, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you. Now get out and let me not catch you mentioning that ever again." Slughorn snapped.

The environment turned back into black smoke and I pulled back.

"Confused? I would be surprised if you weren't." Dumbledore exclaimed. "I don't understand. What happened?" Harry and I asked simultaneously. "This is perhaps the most important memory I've collected. It's also a lie. This memory has been tampered with  by the same person this memory is from, our dear friend, Professor Slughorn." Dumbledore explained. "But why would he temper with his own memory?" I asked. "I suspect he's ashamed of it." "Why?" "Why indeed. I asked you to get to know Professor Slughorn, and you did. I want you to pursue him to divulge the true memory, any way you can." Dumbledore explained.

"We don't know him that well." Harry commented. "This memory is everything. Without it, we are blind. Without it, we leave the fate of our world to chance. You have no chose. You must not fail." Harry and I nodded.

What is your secret, Slughorn?

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