Chapter 5. Cotton Candy and Sunsets.

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"Hey man, you alright? You look a bit confussed, and sad." Lou questioned me looking directly in my eyes. Louis' my bestfriend, he knows when im not okay. So i couldnt lie to him. "Nah, Lou. Just, *sigh* Just thinking." Alicia came walking back, "Lets go home its getting late." We all walked home.

-Harry's at Home-

~~"Give me love like never before,

'cause lately I've been craving more,

And it's been a while but I still feel the same,

Maybe I should let you go,

You know I'll fight my corner,

And that tonight I'll call ya,

After my blood is drowning in alcohol,

No I just wanna hold ya.

Give a little time to me or burn this out,

We'll play hide and seek to turn this around,

All I want is the taste that your lips allow,

My, my, my, my, oh give me love,

Give a little time to me, or burn this out,

We'll play hide and seek to turn this around"~~

i sang with the Music of Ed sheeren's Give Me Love, blasting from my phone, when my computer, made a beeping noise, telling me i've got a message. I turned off the music, & I opened it up, and it was from Niall. It read :

Nialler: Me and the boys are going to Nando's in 5 minutes. You going?

Me: Nah blondie. Im busy.

Nialler: What the flippers are you doing? Singing into your comb?

Me: shut up. and Flippers? seriously man? i'll see you around.

Nialler: Bye man... Love you.

Me: .. um yeah... Love you too..?

Ever since we came back from the fair, i havent been myself lately. So i decided to take a little walk by the shore.


The sand was soft against my shoes. I was just taking a stroll. The sun was setting it looked beautiful. The shades of orange, yellow and red all mixed togethere, creating a beautiful sight. I might be Harry. Harry Styles. Probably the most popular kid in highschool. But im not that bad. People always miss understand me. Sure i could be a bit, rude at times. But i have another side too. You've just got to get to know me.

I noticed 2 figures in the distance, a taller one running after a smaller kid, 2 girls most likely. Usually, if one of the boys were with me, i'd be going up to the girl, and flirting with her. But i just didnt feel like it today. I just wanted a normal conversation. One i havent had in awhile. As i walked closer their features were becoming a bit more visible, but still fainted under the sunset. The older one walked to little store located on the far end of the beach. Leaving the younger one there. The younger girl turned around to my direction and ran straight to me, i was never good with many kids. So i didnt know what to do, i just stood there. I couldnt even see this little girls face. Then i suddenly felt an impact on my leg. I looked down to see a little girl, Light nutmeg coloured hair, Past her shoulders, reaching the small of her back, perfectly curled, hugging my leg, like she didnt want me to leave. "i Knew you didnt weave me!" she said, Miss pronouncing Leave & Weave. "What are you talking about?" i asked this petite frame who still clung on to my leg, she peered up, so i could see her face. The same blue green & Brown eyes looked at me. Rose tinted cheeks, and cute little nose looked straight into my eyes. I was utterly shocked. How could i forget this little girl?! i bent down, Wait if this is her, then where is-

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