"I think we should probably head back to the hotel Monica, we've had way too much to drink" out of the 2 of us I was definitely the most sober one. Monica couldn't hold her alcohol no matter how much she tried. She's a terrible drunk to be around.

"One m..more d..dance" she slurred and I rolled my eyes at her as she dragged me to the dance floor.

As a new song started I let my body move to the beat, but I watched as Monica started dancing with a random bloke. I felt arms wrap round my waist and they brought me back so I pressed into their chest. I allowed the contact and swayed to the music. I felt the person move my hair away from my neck and press a gentle kiss on my shoulder. I let out a small moan and laid my head back. Closing my eyes I allowed the stranger to attack my neck in kisses.

I was in bliss, then the stranger flipped me round and crashed his lips against mine, I returned it and wrapped my arms round his neck. What was I doing? I'm making out with someone I don't even know.

Who cares? Right now I certainly didn't.

Breaking away from the kids I opened my eyes, I wasn't expecting who was starring back at me.
It was curly Blondie from the diner.

"Hi" he said, I blinked in surprise "I'm Marko"


4 days had passed and I had surprisingly gotten along really well with Marko, I had spent every night since we met with him. He had introduced me to the other friends and brothers; David, Paul and Dwayne.

What surprised me was how much I was falling for him. He was so kind and sweet. It made me sad that I'd have to leave him in 10 days.

Tonight of course Marko and I had plans to see each other. But tonight he wanted to show me where he lived.
So I got dressed in a black dress and a leather jacket. I tied my hair into a ponytail.

When I met him on the boardwalk, the boys were nowhere to be seen, Marko told me to get onto his bike because he wanted to show me his home.
I got into his bike and wrapped my arms round his waist. He sped off onto the beach and we drove for about 10 minutes till we came to a cliffs edge.

We got off the bike and he pulled me down some wooden staircase.

He told me not to worry, and I didn't because I trusted him with my life. He took me into a cave and showed me around.

That was also when he told me what he was, he told me that he was a vampire and that I was his mate. He promised that he would never hurt me, he would love me unconditionally. Till the end.

That led me to now, I had decided to stay with Marko, Monica had left to go home and told our parents that I had gotten a job. 3 months after that I found out I was pregnant. He of course didn't take that news very well and demanded that I get an abortion.
He was dead set on making me do it, but I wanted to keep the child. If Marko loved me he wouldn't ever make me do it. He thankfully came round to the idea and had to accept it.


But now I was big and ready to pop. The pregnancy was putting strain on my body. Now I could barely move, if I ever needed to do something Marko or one of the boys always had to help me.

Tonight the boys had to go out and feed. They had been putting it off to look after me. But with a lot of persuasion they finally left the cave but promised to return in an hour or 2.

That was 20 minutes ago, and boredom had kicked in and I was starting to get restless. So I decided that a nice bath would do the trick. So that's what I did.

I had ran a bath.

When the bath had finished I stripped off my clothes that consisted of one of David's old shirts since Markos were too small to cover my massive bump.
Once undressed I got into the water and relaxed.

I could feel myself relaxing and I let out a sigh of comfort. But unfortunately it was short lived when I felt baby give a forceful kit to my pelvis. Rubbing my belly I tried to sooth my discomfort.
When baby calmed down I closed my eyes and leant my head back on the bath tub.

I must've dozed off because I woke up suddenly when I felt something that didn't feel right. It was only when I looked into the water I realised what was wrong, The once bubbly, clear water was now turning red. Blood was flowing out of me.

I started panicking and tried to get out of the bath tub but I was stopped when I felt a pain go through my spine

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I started panicking and tried to get out of the bath tub but I was stopped when I felt a pain go through my spine.

Clutching my stomach I had to bite my lip to stop myself from screaming. As minutes past the pain got worse and I lost more blood.
I couldn't hold the screams back as I felt the most excruciating pain ever coming from my private parts. It was then that I had the urge to push.

And so I pushed. I pushed several times till I felt something between my legs. Reaching hand down between my legs I felt something soft.

It was my baby's head.

I pushed again I grabbed onto the baby as I felt it come out. I lifted the baby out of the water I laid him or her onto my chest, Then they cried and I felt relieved that they were okay.

Why done it my baby was here.
My healthy little boy.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice shouting my name and then footsteps were heard running through the tunnel

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"Y/N!" I heard a voice shouting my name and then footsteps were heard running through the tunnel.

"I'm in the bathroom Marko" I watched as the bathroom door opened. Marko walked in but stopped when he saw what I was holding "Come meet your son Marko"

He slowly came over and kneeled down next to me, he brought a hand up and stroked our baby's cheek.

""He's perfect Y/N" he placed a kiss on my forehead and I gave him a tired smile "I'm so proud of you"

"I love you Marko, and I love our son" I could feel my eyes dropping, the last thing I remember is Marko shouting and taking our son off my chest and wrapping him in a towel.

Then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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