Paul Part 1

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This chapter and the next one is for @Vampbitch23 who asked me for this. Hope you all like it.

Read and enjoy.


I was running, I had never ran so fast in my life. I couldn't be here anymore. I needed to get away before my life blew up in my face. It wasn't my fault what happened, I never meant for it to happen. It was an accident.

My name is Y/N and I did something bad and I didn't want to get caught because I knew they would kill me.
I killed someone.


It was a normal morning, I woke up. Got ready for my day at school. I had a shower, got dressed in a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. I cleaned my apartment because I didn't do it last night, then I left my house and took the short trip to school.

When I arrived I kept my head down, trying not to bring attention to myself. I was sort of an outcast. I wasn't popular; if anything everyone thought I was a freak. I was the weird girl that nobody knew anything about. It was probably better like that.

I walked through the school corridor, blocking out the whispers that were being said behind my back. There's nothing knew there. It's a regular occurrence for me. I just ignore them. There's no point in letting it bother me.

I stopped in front of my locker and opened it, I grabbed the books that I needed for my lessons and I shoved my bag in. There was no point carrying it round with me. I flinched when I felt someone pull a strand of my hair as they walked passed.

Shutting my locker I turned to walk down the corridor to get to my first lesson but I was roughly pushed and I went falling to the floor. Dropping all of my books in the process. I was laying face down when I heard laughter behind me. Looking up I saw the all too familiar group of people standing around me. There was 6 of them. Adam, Sam, Liam, Jamie, Samantha and Julia. My bullies and tormentors.

"What you doing on the floor freak?" Ignoring them I collected all of my books and tried to walk away. I didn't get very far before again my books were knocked out of my hands. This time I was grabbed and thrown against a brick wall. My head smacked against it and i hissed.

"Leave me the hell alone" I growled, I could feel myself getting angry. It was bubbling inside me. Slowly boiling. I couldn't let it get to the point when it spilled over. It was end badly for everyone involved.

"What you going to do about it, You can't do anything you little freak" Adam was getting in my face, His breath rancid in the air. I pushed myself against the wall trying to bring some distance between him and myself.

"Back off Adam. Or you'll regret it" I tried to sound brave but he was just laughing in my face, I could hear the others behind him laughing too.
He didn't even retaliate. I thought he was going to back off, but he did something I didn't think he'd do in broad daylight in the middle of the school corridor. He smacked me; hard against my check. My head wipped to the side at the shear force of it.

I blinked away the tears that were forcing behind my eyes. I was trying to calm my breathing. The bubbling in my skin was getting worse. And before I knew it. Everything went red. Everything happened in slow motion. I had thrown my hands forward to get him away from me. Adam then went flying against the opposite wall. Hitting it with such a force I heard bones crack. Everyone watched in slow motion and shock and he hit the wall. Then he went limp against the floor. At first I thought I had knocked him out. But my fear grew when I saw a puddle of red starting to form round his body. I knew then that I had killed him.

His friends started reacting, they started shouting for help. I sat against the wall and watched as everyone started crowding round his body. I killed him, I didn't mean too. It was an accident; he was trying to hurt me.

I'm going to go to jail, I'm a murderer. Standing up, nobody noticed me, I then took this as my chance to get away. That's when I started running, and I didn't stop. I just kept going.


I ran for days, I'm glad I had my phone in my pocket with my credit card, otherwise I would have died of dehydration already or even hunger.
I was walking along this long stretch of road, it was getting late. The sun had already gone down the cold was starting to creep under my jacket. I was shivering, I need to find a hotel somewhere or a place letting a room for the night.

I hadn't gotten very far when I saw lights coming from behind me, I watched as the car started coming towards me. It then passed me and I watched it as it did, but it slowed down when it had gotten a little in front of me. It then stopped and stared reversing. It was an old car. Trailing a U-Haul truck on the back.

It stopped beside me and I took a step back, A lady with short blonde hair poked her head out of the drivers side window. She gave me a warm smile which I didn't return.

"What are you doing out here at this time of the night? Do you need a ride" I don't want to trust her, but she looks trustworthy.

"Where are you heading?" She looked pleased that I had spoken to her, Looking into the car I notices she had a young lad about 15 years old sitting in the passenger seat beside her, In the back seat was another lad. He had to be about 17. And there was a big husky in the boot. Its long tongue sticking out of his mouth.

"We are going to Santa Carla, We can drop you off if you'd like" I gave her a grateful smile, I had no idea where Santa Carla was but it had to be safer than here.

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