Paul Part 3

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Only a day had passed since my encounter with the hot blondie on the motorcycle. Nothing had happened. After we watched the hot guys leave on their bikes Michael started acting like he had something stuck up his ass. He had walked off in a huff leaving Sammy and I to watch him act like a child.

We had shared an amused look between us and decided to go to the fun fair for the rest of the evening. We had fun but I couldn't shift my thoughts from thinking about the blonde hunk of handsomeness.

When it was finally time to part ways with Sammy I made sure he got back to his mother in one piece and I had said goodnight. I told Sammy that maybe I would see him the next day.

So that left me to where I am now. Getting changed I choose a pair of short shorts and a white crop top. I didn't feel like getting too over dressed, It was feeling very stuffy and I didn't want to sweat through my clothes. Underneath I had a bikini on in case I decided to take a dip in the sea.

Before I left the hotel room I grabbed my netted shoulder bag and put everything in there along with a towel. I wasn't going swimming without one. I left the hotel and took the 5 minute walk to the boardwalk. The atmosphere was the same as last night, only difference was there wasn't anyone singing tonight. Instead I could hear peoples screaming and laughter from the theme park.

I walked round for a little while and there wasn't any sign of Sammy or Michael. so I decided I might as well go for that swim I had planned on doing. Walking onto the beach, I took off my flip flops, picked them up and walked down to the water. I found a secluded area by the pier where there wasn't anyone or anything. Setting my bag down I laid my towel on the sand and then took my clothes off, leaving me in only my bikini.

I then took off in a sprint towards the water, Once I was waist high I looked round. Nobody was looking at me. Thankfully. But I couldn't shake that feeling like I was being watched. I dunked myself under the water and stayed there for a minute.

When I came back to the surface, I was facing away from the beach, when I turned round I nearly fell back into the water in shock. Standing by my towel and looking at me was the blondie from yesterday.

Walking back to the beach, The blondies focus didn't shift from me, he watched me as I wrapped the towel around my body. Standing in front of him, I couldn't help but think how intimidating he looked close up.

"Can I help you with something" I wrapped the towel tighter when I felt his stare travel over my body "My eyes are up here"

"I'm sure you could help me with what I need. Didn't you parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers" My parents died before they could give me the stranger danger talk.

"What's it to you? Your the one talking to me, not the other way round" He smirked at me and I avoided the urge to roll me eyes.

"Sassy, I like that"

"Good to hear, but I'm not interested in wannabe bad boys" I bent down and grabbed my bag and clothes. Turning round I started walking away from him back towards the boardwalk. But I didn't get very far before I felt someone wrap their arms round my waist and pull me into their chest "What the heck are you doing you idiot? You don't go round pulling people. Have some manners you loaf"

"I will show you manners sweet cheeks" he breathed into my ear, his breath sending tingles down my neck.

Within seconds we weren't on the beach, We were in an alleyway. he had pressed me up against a wall, my arms above my head. His face inches from mine.

"Back off from me Blondie, people like their personal space. Have you ever heard of that?" I don't know where my confidence had come from and Blondie seemed amused by it.

"Kitten's feeling confident, I like that but I've been watching you baby girl and I want you so badly"

"If your going to go all stalker on me, at least tell me your name" he laughed.

"My names Paul Kitten, what's yours?" He had let my arms go but he kept his hands resting on the brick wall beside my head.


"That's a beautiful name Y/N and it suits you well" what happened next caught me by surprise. He pressed his lips against mine, then I kissed him back. I wrapped my arms round his neck and brought him closer. His hands that were on my waist were now travelling under my shirt were playing with the skin.

What happened next, well let's just say I wasn't going to forget it anytime soon. That's for sure.

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