"Well my Lady, that was a well deserved break!" Chat Noir playfully spoke as he stretched. In a way, he was correct. The past few weeks had been filled with Akuma attacks and criminals to deal with. Ladybug was inclined to agree with him. "Of course, if there's anything else I can do to ease the stress we've been facing." Chat winked at her, which made her smile.

"I'm perfectly fine Chaton, not stressed in the slightest." That was a lie. With Corvo's introduction to her life and everything that had been happening, it had been very taxing on Marrinette Dupain-Cheng. Work at the bakery was hard as the store was on a down season, homework was unbearably complicated, she needed to deal with both Lila and Chloe, the manhunt for the Knife of Paris had police questioning everyone, and then there was Corvo. She liked him she really did. They were family of course, so they had to like each other. But Corvo...was so different than what she expected. When she first heard the new's that she had a cousin from an uncle and aunt she never even knew, she didn't know what to think. She thought of him as some ragged, boisterous loud kid. But instead she got Corvo. The quiet, rather sarcastic...figure. She knew that was rude, but it was the best she could describe him. At times, he would just...stare. It was like he was in an empty void. His glove he never removed and his rather cold was like he wasn't right in the head. Maybe he was hiding something? Of course, that wasn't her business. She herself was hiding the fact that she was Ladybug.

"Well then Milady, I guess we can call that a da-" Chat was about to speak, but stopped. "What is it Chaton?"

"Is it just me, or is someone running across the rooftops...teleporting?" He stated, pointing to the north. As Marinette turned, she was about to speak further, but stopped. Chat was correct. There was someone running and teleporting! The person in interest was to far away for anything specific, but she could tell that the person was cloaked. It seemed to be a coat of some kind. It had a hood up and seemed to carry many items and pouches. They was running quite fast, as fast as her and Chat Noir could, and could also teleport with blue light. As they rounded a corner, she and Chat looked at each other.

"Who was that?"

"I don't know Kitty, but we gotta know. C'mon Chat, let's go!" She cried for she already was running after the figure. Chat 'awwed' a little, he was rather tired, before leaping after his lady.


Corvo could tell that he was being followed. It was rather obvious to hear the rushing and clicking of boots behind him. What he did not know was who? Whoever they were, he had to lose them. But he couldn't risk losing track of Friedrich. Thus he elected to continue his current course, his followers couldn't hope to keep up. Blinking up and down the rooftops, this time more erratically, he continued to trail the luxury car. After several minutes, he could see that it had reached it's target zone. A rather elaborate house. It wasn't mansion status, but it was clear that a wealthy man lived here. Corvo stopped and peered. He knew his followers were very far behind, so he was in the clear. Using his mask, he zoomed in onto Friedrich as he exited the car. The man was middle-aged, with a balding head and a permanent sneer. A crooked nose and some loose flesh made his whole appearance rather revolting. As Ramsey entered his illustrious house, Corvo began examining it. Looking for any way in, he spied a balcony. Yet it had a single guard on it, wielding a FAMAS. He would rather not risk getting shot so he couldn't be seen. So, he began stretching a bit, feeling a crack in his neck, before sprinting. He leaped onto one rooftop before blinking down to the ground.

He hid behind the corner of an alley, and leaned. He could see 4, maybe 5 guards. He couldn't assume things, he needed to know. So he used Dark Vision. The world then turned gray, and the living were then shining a brilliant yellow. 5 men, armed with handguns and knives. Military grade, he would have to be careful. He Blinked behind some boxes and behind one guard. Readying his blade, he grabbed the man's mouth. Before the guard could notice anything, Corvo had already slid his blade into his throat. Corvo dropped the body before moving onto the next one. Fortunatley, the other's were not looking. He Readied his crossbow and fired, the bolt ending up into one's skull. Now the rest of the three had noticed the first body. Before they could scream or raise alarm, Corvo had stopped time. He slit one's throat, sliced the head off of another and stabbed the heart of the third. Before time stopped however, he had began teleporting up onto the top of the balcony, above the guard.

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