The boys spot Alexis tied up in the lounge, however, just as they're about to open the doors that Atticus came through earlier when he was a human, the Devourer pounds on the door scaring the boys.

Their screams gather the attention of the new harpy, who's claws are ready to end one of their lives. Just like Sarah's was by claws like those.

"Go! Go!" Daniel gives Alec a head start on running with a nice ol'push. The boys run away from the bird woman, hiding behind some columns.

"The Devourer needs to be distracted, and we need to be quick! Alexis is running out of time." Alec pants, trying to catch his breath.

"I'll distract, you go and get Alexis. Be quick!"

Before Alec could protest, Daniel runs right inside the estate, screaming the Devourer's name. It catches his attention right away, and Daniel runs off in a different, this allows Alec to run inside.

"Alec!" Alexis rejoices in happiness. He quickly shushes her, as he looks around then proceeds to untie her from the rope.

"Thank you!" She wraps her arms around him immediately, really grateful that he came to save her.

"Come on, we have to go before the Devourer catches Danny!" He grabs her hand and they make a break for it, Alexis trying her best not to fall.

"Wait!" Alexis tries to tell Alec that the second seal is inside, but they're outside before they know it. Daniel comes tumbling out of the estate, the Devourer lets out a mighty roar as it remains stuck inside the building.

"Fuck, I thought I was a goner." Daniel laughs nervously, dusting his hands off on his pants.

"The dining room!" Alexis fusses.

Why couldn't the boys listen to me!

"The second seal can only be discussed over dinner! We have to go to the dining room!" Alexis sighs, then Alec facepalms himself while Daniel's expression drops.

"We have to go back inside?..W-with the devourer?...ohhh no.." Daniel nearly slumps onto the ground.

That thing is still terrifying!

If we want to free Riley, we're going to have to go to the dining room and deal with whatever the crap is in there..

Of course, they have to get away from the lieutenants first.

"Give you guys a little warning shot!" Cash announces, and a gunshot rings through the air. He laughs.

Trey sees all three girls flinch.

Once silence returns, Trey remembers about the lieutenants that they haven't encountered in a while. "Where the fuck are these twin dolls? The snakewoman? There's so many here..."

"Where are they?" Rita clenches her hands together. She's becoming really worried about the others.

"Guys!" Alec stands on the balcony, motioning his arm toward the other four, making sure that he's in a spot where they can see him.

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