Down To The Basement Yet Again

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Daniel places the gem into the map and the next slot opens. No one has really said anything since Nyadhol's death. They just know they should move along in this horrible night.
"It's a cross." Daniel informs the group.

"A cross?" Rita makes a face of confusion.

Are we like about to fight Jesus, what's going on?

Before anyone can respond to that, Alec points to a weird black box hidden in the fireplace.
"What's that?"

"That's new." says Bethany.
"Pull it out."

"That's what she said." Shaadira mumbles under her breath. Trying to cheer up a little.
So they do, and find their next clue.
"A key." Bryan mutters, staring into the box. "There's a key and a note."

Great. More notes. This should be fun.

I've cast out demonic spirits and seen the devil himself, but nothing could prepare me for what I found here. This is truly the house that evil built. It haunts my every moment, and as the days pass, I see more innocent lives devoured in its terrible mouth.

I am trapped in the basement until I can find release from this evil.

Bethany's confused.

Someone's been trapped in the basement this entire time? That makes no fucking sense. I was in the basement. I almost died in the basement. Where was this mystery other person then?

"To the basement it is then." says Devon.

Everyone trudges their way out the door. Kyler grabs her coat on the way out; it's pretty freakin' cold down there.

"Let's go to the basement then." sighs Trey.

Alec frowns.
"What do you think there's going to be in the basement?"

"Death machine." Bryan comments. His morbid comment causes shivers down everyone's back.

Alec's never been down in the basement before. None of them have, except for Bryan, Bethany and Kyler and not one of them seem particularly eager to make a return trip. Especially considering what happened to Cassidy.

But here they are, walking down the hallway, and it's creepy enough to send chills down Shaadira's spine. She keeps glancing over her shoulder. All she knows is this: something crazy is about to happen.

As they pass by the first room, they can see the ungodly machine—including a two-second glimpse of Cassidy's corpse. She's trapped against the wall of her glass coffin, the fumes blurring her face.
Alec, who's the first to spot her, takes one look and nearly puked. "Oh, you guys..."

Alexis gasps. Kyler fights back tears. Everyone decides it's best to just move on and not look at her.

The second room is locked. Fortunately, the key in Rita's hand is able to work its magic, and the door swings open to reveal...

"Oh my god." Kyler's mouth drops open. She wraps her coat around herself tightly.

I hate this basement so much. You don't even understand...

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